Area: TV
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: BLUE
Windows Version: Windows xp sp2
Memory: 512mb DDR400
Motherboard Chipset: Asus motherboard K8V SE DELUXE
Video Card: Nvidia FX5200
Video Card Driver: Latest
Video Render Type: overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo video decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: Intervideo audio decoder
TV Card: type of TV card, HAUPAUGE PRV 350 AND 150
TV Card Driver: PVR 150
TV Card Driver: PVR 350
First, sorry for my English which is terrible!
I try to install and to get running two cards : one is a PVR-350, the other is a PVR-150.
I have installed both cards in my pc with which drivers i consider to be good and up to date : (see description above).
I have setup only one card (PVR-350) in the MP Configure program, and i have put all the analog channels by hand, not with autotune. I have mapped thoses channels with the PVR-350 : This is the card1.
When the pvr-150 is deactivated in the Hardware Manager, the liveTV is running perfectly well, with all the channels! This is my log for that (i give you only the part which i consider to be helpfull to help me:
31/08/2005 22:22:16 Mediaportal is starting up
31/08/2005 22:22:16 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
31/08/2005 22:22:18 verify that directx 9 is installed
31/08/2005 22:22:18 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Check if mediaportal is already started
31/08/2005 22:22:18 delete old log\capture.log file...
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Check skin version
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Init playlist player
31/08/2005 22:22:18 creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Initialising WinLirc...
31/08/2005 22:22:18 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Winlirc process not found
31/08/2005 22:22:18 done creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Init players
31/08/2005 22:22:18 initializing DirectX
31/08/2005 22:22:19 MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
31/08/2005 22:22:19 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
31/08/2005 22:22:19 texturemanager:dispose()
31/08/2005 22:22:19 TexturePackerispose()
31/08/2005 22:22:19 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:19 load localized strings
31/08/2005 22:22:23 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
31/08/2005 22:22:23 skin initialized
31/08/2005 22:22:23 DX9 size: 720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:23 video ram left:183296 KByte
31/08/2005 22:22:27 running...
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: tv channel changedporza
31/08/2005 22:22:28 PlugInManager.Load()
31/08/2005 22:22:28 Load plugins from lugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
31/08/2005 22:22:28 PlugInManager.Start()
31/08/2005 22:22:28 open folderdatabase
31/08/2005 22:22:30 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
31/08/2005 22:22:30 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Total Memory allocated:1,83 MB
31/08/2005 22:22:30 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
31/08/2005 22:22:30 tv home initporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=Sporza ts:False
31/08/2005 22:22:30 RecordertartViewing() channelporza tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: Turn tv on channelporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: find free card
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: found card 1
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: start watching on card:1 channelporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Card:1 CreateGraph
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: Error: Unable to connect Pins 0x80040217
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: -- Cannot connect: System.__ComObject or System.__ComObject
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED no format returned
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice.getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED no format returned
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice.getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphet quality:high
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: setvideobitrate min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SetStructure() failed 0x80070057
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: version:1.18.021 02.05.000 streamtyperogram formatAL resolution:720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: average bitrate:640 KBPs peak:8000 KBPs vbr:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 driver version:1.18.021 02.05.000 min:640 peak:8000 vbr:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Card:1 start viewing porza
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphtartViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:32 VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
31/08/2005 22:22:32 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 add filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 added filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:48 country:32 standard:None nameporza
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:32 tv standard:None cable:True
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:48 county:32 freq:55,25 MHz. tvformatAL_B signalignalPresent
31/08/2005 22:22:32 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Find crossbar:#1
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar found:1
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar has 9 inputs and 2 outputs
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect success
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#4->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#6->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect success
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Find crossbar:#2
31/08/2005 22:22:32 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar routing done
31/08/2005 22:22:32 mpeg2tartViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2:demux video out connected
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2:demux audio out connected
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2tartViewing() start mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:33 SinkGraphtartViewing() started
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Card:1 stop
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Card:1 DeleteGraph
31/08/2005 22:22:40 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 SinkGraphtopViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 mpeg2topViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 mpeg2topViewing() stop mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2topViewing() stopped
31/08/2005 22:22:41 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: close interfaces
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: stop mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: stopped mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 PlugInManager.Stop()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 MediaPortal done
When I activate the pvr-150 in Hardware Manager, i have a black screen whtin no sound in liveTV.
The log :
31/08/2005 20:34:22 Mediaportal is starting up
31/08/2005 20:34:22 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
31/08/2005 20:34:38 verify that directx 9 is installed
31/08/2005 20:34:38 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Check if mediaportal is already started
31/08/2005 20:34:38 delete old log\capture.log file...
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Check skin version
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Init playlist player
31/08/2005 20:34:38 creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Initialising WinLirc...
31/08/2005 20:34:38 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Winlirc process not found
31/08/2005 20:34:38 done creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Init players
31/08/2005 20:34:38 initializing DirectX
31/08/2005 20:34:38 MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
31/08/2005 20:34:38 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
31/08/2005 20:34:38 texturemanager:dispose()
31/08/2005 20:34:38 TexturePackerispose()
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:41 skin initialized
31/08/2005 20:34:41 DX9 size: 720x576
31/08/2005 20:34:41 video ram left:183296 KByte
31/08/2005 20:34:42 running...
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: tv channel changedporza
31/08/2005 20:34:43 PlugInManager.Load()
31/08/2005 20:34:43 Load plugins from lugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
31/08/2005 20:34:43 PlugInManager.Start()
31/08/2005 20:34:43 open folderdatabase
31/08/2005 20:34:49 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
31/08/2005 20:34:49 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Total Memory allocated:1,83 MB
31/08/2005 20:34:49 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
31/08/2005 20:34:49 tv home initporza
31/08/2005 20:34:49 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=Sporza ts:False
31/08/2005 20:34:49 RecordertartViewing() channelporza tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: Turn tv on channelporza
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: find free card
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: found card 1
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Recorder: start watching on card:1 channelporza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Card:1 CreateGraph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: Error: Unable to connect Pins 0x80040217
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: -- Cannot connect: System.__ComObject or System.__ComObject
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x576
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:FAILED to connect Encoder->mpeg2 demuxer:80040217
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphet quality:high
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: setvideobitrate min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True 20
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: current videobitrate: min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: current videobitrate: min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: get version info 24
31/08/2005 20:34:50 driver version: min:4000 peak:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Card:1 start viewing porza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphtartViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
31/08/2005 20:34:50 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 add filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 added filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:48 country:32 standard:None nameporza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:32 tv standard:None cable:True
31/08/2005 20:34:51 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:48 county:32 freq:55,3125 MHz. tvformatAL_B signalignalPresent
31/08/2005 20:34:51 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
31/08/2005 20:34:51 Find crossbar:#1
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar found:1
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar has 8 inputs and 2 outputs
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect success
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#6->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#1->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect success
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#4->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 Find crossbar:#2
31/08/2005 20:34:51 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar routing done
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2tartViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2:demux video out connected
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2:demux audio out connected
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2tartViewing() start mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:52 SinkGraphtartViewing() started
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Card:1 stop
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Card:1 DeleteGraph
31/08/2005 20:34:57 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 SinkGraphtopViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 mpeg2topViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 mpeg2topViewing() stop mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2topViewing() stopped
31/08/2005 20:34:58 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: close interfaces
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: stop mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: stopped mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 PlugInManager.Stop()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 MediaPortal done
BOTTOM of file
I have the idea i have a mix of driver between the two cards, and the program try to use the wrong driver for the 350 when both cards are activated.
2 weeks of searching what's wrong, and nothing!
So please, HELP ME! I am lost!
thanks in advance.
MP Version: 0.1.3
Skin: BLUE
Windows Version: Windows xp sp2
Memory: 512mb DDR400
Motherboard Chipset: Asus motherboard K8V SE DELUXE
Video Card: Nvidia FX5200
Video Card Driver: Latest
Video Render Type: overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo video decoder
Audio Codec Type & Version: Intervideo audio decoder
TV Card: type of TV card, HAUPAUGE PRV 350 AND 150
TV Card Driver: PVR 150
TV Card Driver: PVR 350
First, sorry for my English which is terrible!
I try to install and to get running two cards : one is a PVR-350, the other is a PVR-150.
I have installed both cards in my pc with which drivers i consider to be good and up to date : (see description above).
I have setup only one card (PVR-350) in the MP Configure program, and i have put all the analog channels by hand, not with autotune. I have mapped thoses channels with the PVR-350 : This is the card1.
When the pvr-150 is deactivated in the Hardware Manager, the liveTV is running perfectly well, with all the channels! This is my log for that (i give you only the part which i consider to be helpfull to help me:
31/08/2005 22:22:16 Mediaportal is starting up
31/08/2005 22:22:16 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
31/08/2005 22:22:18 verify that directx 9 is installed
31/08/2005 22:22:18 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Check if mediaportal is already started
31/08/2005 22:22:18 delete old log\capture.log file...
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Check skin version
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Init playlist player
31/08/2005 22:22:18 creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Initialising WinLirc...
31/08/2005 22:22:18 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Winlirc process not found
31/08/2005 22:22:18 done creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 22:22:18 Init players
31/08/2005 22:22:18 initializing DirectX
31/08/2005 22:22:19 MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
31/08/2005 22:22:19 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
31/08/2005 22:22:19 texturemanager:dispose()
31/08/2005 22:22:19 TexturePackerispose()
31/08/2005 22:22:19 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:19 load localized strings
31/08/2005 22:22:23 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
31/08/2005 22:22:23 skin initialized
31/08/2005 22:22:23 DX9 size: 720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:23 video ram left:183296 KByte
31/08/2005 22:22:27 running...
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
31/08/2005 22:22:27 Recorder: tv channel changedporza
31/08/2005 22:22:28 PlugInManager.Load()
31/08/2005 22:22:28 Load plugins from lugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
31/08/2005 22:22:28 PlugInManager.Start()
31/08/2005 22:22:28 open folderdatabase
31/08/2005 22:22:30 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
31/08/2005 22:22:30 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Total Memory allocated:1,83 MB
31/08/2005 22:22:30 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
31/08/2005 22:22:30 tv home initporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=Sporza ts:False
31/08/2005 22:22:30 RecordertartViewing() channelporza tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: Turn tv on channelporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: find free card
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: found card 1
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Recorder: start watching on card:1 channelporza
31/08/2005 22:22:30 Card:1 CreateGraph
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: Error: Unable to connect Pins 0x80040217
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: -- Cannot connect: System.__ComObject or System.__ComObject
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Preview
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED no format returned
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice.getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice:getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED no format returned
31/08/2005 22:22:31 VideoCaptureDevice.getStreamConfigSetting() FAILED
31/08/2005 22:22:31 SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
31/08/2005 22:22:31 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphet quality:high
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: setvideobitrate min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SetStructure() failed 0x80070057
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: version:1.18.021 02.05.000 streamtyperogram formatAL resolution:720x576
31/08/2005 22:22:32 IVAC: average bitrate:640 KBPs peak:8000 KBPs vbr:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 driver version:1.18.021 02.05.000 min:640 peak:8000 vbr:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Card:1 start viewing porza
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraphtartViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:32 VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
31/08/2005 22:22:32 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 add filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 added filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:48 country:32 standard:None nameporza
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:32 tv standard:None cable:True
31/08/2005 22:22:32 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:48 county:32 freq:55,25 MHz. tvformatAL_B signalignalPresent
31/08/2005 22:22:32 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Find crossbar:#1
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar found:1
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar has 9 inputs and 2 outputs
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect success
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#1->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#4->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#6->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 check:in#8->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Video_Composite
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect
31/08/2005 22:22:32 connect success
31/08/2005 22:22:32 Find crossbar:#2
31/08/2005 22:22:32 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
31/08/2005 22:22:32 crossbar routing done
31/08/2005 22:22:32 mpeg2tartViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2:demux video out connected
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2:demux audio out connected
31/08/2005 22:22:33 mpeg2tartViewing() start mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:33 SinkGraphtartViewing() started
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Card:1 stop
31/08/2005 22:22:40 Card:1 DeleteGraph
31/08/2005 22:22:40 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 SinkGraphtopViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 mpeg2topViewing()
31/08/2005 22:22:40 mpeg2topViewing() stop mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2topViewing() stopped
31/08/2005 22:22:41 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: close interfaces
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: stop mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 mpeg2: stopped mediactl
31/08/2005 22:22:41 PlugInManager.Stop()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 22:22:41 MediaPortal done
When I activate the pvr-150 in Hardware Manager, i have a black screen whtin no sound in liveTV.
The log :
31/08/2005 20:34:22 Mediaportal is starting up
31/08/2005 20:34:22 Set current directory to :C:\Program Files\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Set registry keys for intervideo/windvd/hauppauge codecs
31/08/2005 20:34:38 verify that directx 9 is installed
31/08/2005 20:34:38 verify that windows mediaplayer 9 or 10 is installed
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Check if mediaportal is already started
31/08/2005 20:34:38 delete old log\capture.log file...
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Check skin version
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Init playlist player
31/08/2005 20:34:38 creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Initialising WinLirc...
31/08/2005 20:34:38 WinLirc window not found, starting WinLirc
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Winlirc process not found
31/08/2005 20:34:38 done creating the WINLIRC device
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Init players
31/08/2005 20:34:38 initializing DirectX
31/08/2005 20:34:38 MAP: using custom mappings for Hauppauge HCW
31/08/2005 20:34:38 MAP: using default mappings for DirectInput
31/08/2005 20:34:38 texturemanager:dispose()
31/08/2005 20:34:38 TexturePackerispose()
31/08/2005 20:34:38 Load key mapping from keymap.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:41 skin initialized
31/08/2005 20:34:41 DX9 size: 720x576
31/08/2005 20:34:41 video ram left:183296 KByte
31/08/2005 20:34:42 running...
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Mediaportal.OnStartup()
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: Loading capture cards from capturecards.xml
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: card:1 video device:Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture TV:True record:True priority:1
31/08/2005 20:34:42 Recorder: tv channel changedporza
31/08/2005 20:34:43 PlugInManager.Load()
31/08/2005 20:34:43 Load plugins from lugins\process\ProcessPlugins.dll
31/08/2005 20:34:43 PlugInManager.Start()
31/08/2005 20:34:43 open folderdatabase
31/08/2005 20:34:49 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
31/08/2005 20:34:49 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Total Memory allocated:1,83 MB
31/08/2005 20:34:49 window:MediaPortal.GUI.TV.GUITVHome init
31/08/2005 20:34:49 tv home initporza
31/08/2005 20:34:49 GUITVHome.ViewChannel(): View channel=Sporza ts:False
31/08/2005 20:34:49 RecordertartViewing() channelporza tvon:True timeshift:False vmr9:False
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: Turn tv on channelporza
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: find free card
31/08/2005 20:34:49 Recorder: found card 1
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Recorder: start watching on card:1 channelporza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Card:1 CreateGraph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() IN
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: Error: Unable to connect Pins 0x80040217
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: -- Cannot connect: System.__ComObject or System.__ComObject
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice: found output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:HW MPEG2 encoder:True MCE device:False
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:get Video stream control interface (IAMStreamConfig)
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VideoCaptureDevice:got IAMStreamConfig for Capture
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx: Capturing:720x576
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:add new MPEG2 Demultiplexer to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:create video out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:create audio out pin on MPEG2 demuxer
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:find MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:found MPEG2 demuxer input pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:FAILED to connect Encoder->mpeg2 demuxer:80040217
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xe0->video output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xe0->video output
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:MPEG2 demuxer map MPG stream 0xc0->audio output pin
31/08/2005 20:34:50 mpeg2:mapped MPEG2 demuxer stream 0xc0->audio output
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphEx:CreateGraph() OUT
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphet quality:high
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: setvideobitrate min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True 20
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: current videobitrate: min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: current videobitrate: min:4000 max:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 hauppauge: get version info 24
31/08/2005 20:34:50 driver version: min:4000 peak:8000 vbr:True
31/08/2005 20:34:50 Card:1 start viewing porza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraphtartViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:50 VMR7Helper:AddVMR7
31/08/2005 20:34:50 add filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 added filter:InterVideo Video Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 add filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 added filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tune to channel:48 country:32 standard:None nameporza
31/08/2005 20:34:50 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuningspace:0 country:32 tv standard:None cable:True
31/08/2005 20:34:51 SinkGraph:TuneChannel() tuned to channel:48 county:32 freq:55,3125 MHz. tvformatAL_B signalignalPresent
31/08/2005 20:34:51 FixCrossbarRouting: use tuner:True use cvbs#1:False use cvbs#2:False use svhs:False use rgb:False
31/08/2005 20:34:51 Find crossbar:#1
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar found:1
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar has 8 inputs and 2 outputs
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#0->out#0 / Video_Tuner -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect success
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#2->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#3->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#5->out#0 / Video_SVideo -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#6->out#0 / Video_Composite -> Video_VideoDecoder
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#1->out#1 / Audio_Tuner -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect
31/08/2005 20:34:51 connect success
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#4->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 check:in#7->out#1 / Audio_Line -> Audio_Tuner
31/08/2005 20:34:51 Find crossbar:#2
31/08/2005 20:34:51 no more crossbars.:0x80004005
31/08/2005 20:34:51 crossbar routing done
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2tartViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2:demux video out connected
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2:demux audio out connected
31/08/2005 20:34:51 mpeg2tartViewing() start mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:52 SinkGraphtartViewing() started
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Card:1 stop
31/08/2005 20:34:57 Card:1 DeleteGraph
31/08/2005 20:34:57 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 SinkGraphtopViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 mpeg2topViewing()
31/08/2005 20:34:57 mpeg2topViewing() stop mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2topViewing() stopped
31/08/2005 20:34:58 SinkGrapheleteGraph()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 VMR7Helper:RemoveVMR7
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: close interfaces
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: stop mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 mpeg2: stopped mediactl
31/08/2005 20:34:58 PlugInManager.Stop()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 Mediaportal.OnExit()
31/08/2005 20:34:58 MediaPortal done
BOTTOM of file
I have the idea i have a mix of driver between the two cards, and the program try to use the wrong driver for the 350 when both cards are activated.
2 weeks of searching what's wrong, and nothing!
So please, HELP ME! I am lost!
thanks in advance.