Enhancements to the iTunes experience [BETA] (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 14, 2006
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Sweden Sweden

I have worked on a couple of improvments to MP when using iTunes as external player. This is all beta and can still be a bit buggy. I would be happy if you could try this out and let me know what you think should be improved etc.

Thanks in advance


*Play random songs from iTunes playlists - If you have the iTunes external player activated you can select via the Scrobble Mode button "Random tracks from iTunes playlist". You'll then be able to choose which playlist you want to fetch songs from. 5 random songs will then automaticly be added to the playlist ahead of the current playing song.

*See and change the iTunes song rating in MP - The rating in MP will sync with the rating in iTunes and vice versa when you are changing the rating in MP.

*Album art fetched from iTunes - The album you have in iTunes will be fetched and thumbs will be created for MP to use.


Overwrite your binaries with the ones I compiled for SVN Rev16065. Located in "Release" folder.
ExternalPlayers.dll to <mp dir>\Plugins\ExternalPlayers
WindowPlugins.dll to <mp dir>\Plugins\Windows


Use the source code in the "Source" folder and compile it yourself.

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