Area: Media EPG, TV-out
MP Version: 0.2 RC2
Skin: Blue
Windows Version: WinXP Pro SP2
CPU Type: Intel P3, 1GHz
Memory: 512 MB SDRAM
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS
Video Card: GeForce FX2
Video Card Driver: ?
Video Card Resolution: 800x600, true color
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Hauppage MPII
Audio Codec Type & Version: ?
TV Card: Hauppage PVR-350
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: included with card
I have installed the .net extensions, DirectX 9C, and all WinXP updates, XMLTV which runs fine, and the Mediaportal without any problems.
I have then run the MP-Setup and it goes through with success: I pick Denmark, it automatically picks 'Skanderborg' which is not the right area but still
What is this page in the setup for/doing?
- Then I do a manual scan for stations and this finishes. I then delete or rename all channels to suit. NExt screen I map the channels to ? Is this mapping between the found stations and the XMLTV listings? And then I can finish setup.
Great now everything should be fine EPG wise. I exit MP fully (also from SysTray) and restart MP. The old listings are still there and the channel# are all whacky. Ie Canal+DK looks at the input from Travel Channel and so on... Help :?:
I can get fine picture both on monitor and on TV in Hauppage WinTV2000.
- But when I from MP try to TV-out I get no picture on TV... Might be a codec thing though!
In general I have VEEERRYYYY SLOOOOW response from some of the recording activation screens and the TV guide.
But just navigating MP is no problem at all. I have seen the odd crash from time to time though. :shock:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for great effort guys.
MP Version: 0.2 RC2
Skin: Blue
Windows Version: WinXP Pro SP2
CPU Type: Intel P3, 1GHz
Memory: 512 MB SDRAM
Motherboard Chipset: ASUS
Video Card: GeForce FX2
Video Card Driver: ?
Video Card Resolution: 800x600, true color
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Hauppage MPII
Audio Codec Type & Version: ?
TV Card: Hauppage PVR-350
TV Card Type: hardware
TV Card Driver: included with card
I have installed the .net extensions, DirectX 9C, and all WinXP updates, XMLTV which runs fine, and the Mediaportal without any problems.
I have then run the MP-Setup and it goes through with success: I pick Denmark, it automatically picks 'Skanderborg' which is not the right area but still
What is this page in the setup for/doing?
- Then I do a manual scan for stations and this finishes. I then delete or rename all channels to suit. NExt screen I map the channels to ? Is this mapping between the found stations and the XMLTV listings? And then I can finish setup.
Great now everything should be fine EPG wise. I exit MP fully (also from SysTray) and restart MP. The old listings are still there and the channel# are all whacky. Ie Canal+DK looks at the input from Travel Channel and so on... Help :?:
I can get fine picture both on monitor and on TV in Hauppage WinTV2000.
- But when I from MP try to TV-out I get no picture on TV... Might be a codec thing though!
In general I have VEEERRYYYY SLOOOOW response from some of the recording activation screens and the TV guide.
But just navigating MP is no problem at all. I have seen the odd crash from time to time though. :shock:
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for great effort guys.