Episode# and season# via DVB-S EPG (1 Viewer)


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  • April 19, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Hi folks,

    I am starting to use My TVSeries and I like it very much. Thanks to all developers!:D

    I am using the EPG via DVB-S and my recordings do not contain episode titles or numbers etc. I think this info is not in the EPG:(
    Sometimes (but not always) the episode content contains the episode title, but I found no way to extract it from there.

    Anybody a solution for this?
    I thought that maybe there is an online database, that can provide that info out of date, time and station of the transmission??

    Any solution or is it a manual process??




    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Australia Australia
    Right now we use the Series Name, Season and Episode numbers, there is a way to get it from the Series Name and AirDate but thats not implemented yet


    Portal Member
    April 18, 2007
    Been trying to work out a way of naming things recorded with TV Server so they could be displayed nicely in TV Series - how about something in the parser that allows for a "don't care" in the season and the episode and just display them in file date order - you could manually add fan art if you wanted and - maybe the plugin could take the description if present from the xml produced along with the recording.

    That way there are no manual hacks in the database - and the new/watched flags etc. would all work.

    For me it's the one thing stopping full family acceptance - they are used to "Watch my TV Series", but going into My TV to look for recorded programs doesn't stick with them - I could lose the recorded TV buttons in My TV if they could get at "Eastenders" from TV Series.

    As ever, just thinking out loud really.

    Thanks for all the work to date.


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