Sorry my english, I'm spanish.
Some bugs in CaptureCardDefinitions.xml file.
I have a Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2, and MediaPortal doesn't see the card.
How fix?
The rev of devid should be "rev_01" but in xml file has got "rev_00".
Ok, now in "MediaPortal Configuration" you will can see two cards. Only Analogue 1 and 2.
Yeah, need more fixes!
The capturename should be "7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBT0" and "7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS0" but in xml file has got "7162 BDA Digital Capture0" and "7162 BDA Digital Capture0"
Check the <filter cat="capture" name> too!!
Ok, now in "MediaPortal Configuration" you will can see three cards (2 Analogues and DVBT). OMG!!!
Where is the DVBS???
Yes, need one small fix!
"tunerdevice" name="7162 BDA DVBS Tuner1" and
capturename="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS1"
I load "MediaPortal Configuration" and YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! All cards!!!
TESTING perfectly!!!!!!
This file "CaptureCardDefinitions.xml" is already fixed
Please anyone can send to MediaPortal, for update in MediaPortal 1.0.1?
Some bugs in CaptureCardDefinitions.xml file.
I have a Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2, and MediaPortal doesn't see the card.
How fix?
The rev of devid should be "rev_01" but in xml file has got "rev_00".
Ok, now in "MediaPortal Configuration" you will can see two cards. Only Analogue 1 and 2.
Yeah, need more fixes!
The capturename should be "7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBT0" and "7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS0" but in xml file has got "7162 BDA Digital Capture0" and "7162 BDA Digital Capture0"
Check the <filter cat="capture" name> too!!
Ok, now in "MediaPortal Configuration" you will can see three cards (2 Analogues and DVBT). OMG!!!
Where is the DVBS???
Yes, need one small fix!
"tunerdevice" name="7162 BDA DVBS Tuner1" and
capturename="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS1"
I load "MediaPortal Configuration" and YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! All cards!!!
TESTING perfectly!!!!!!
This file "CaptureCardDefinitions.xml" is already fixed
<capturecard commercialname="Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2 DVB-T" capturename="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBT0" devid="ven_1131&dev_7162&subsys_08605168&rev_01">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"></capabilities>
<interface cat="capture" video="2" audio="3" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="5"></interface>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBT Network Provider" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="7162 BDA DVBT Tuner0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="capture" name="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBT0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<capturecard commercialname="Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2 DVB-S" capturename="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS1" devid="ven_1131&dev_7162&subsys_08605168&rev_01">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="false" mpeg2="true" mce="false" sw="false" bda="true"></capabilities>
<interface cat="capture" video="2" audio="3" mpeg2="1" sectionsandtables="5"></interface>
<filter cat="networkprovider" name="Microsoft DVBS Network Provider" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="tunerdevice" name="7162 BDA DVBS Tuner1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="capture" name="7162 BDA Digital Capture DVBS1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<connection sourcefilter="networkprovider" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="tunerdevice" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tunerdevice" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<capturecard commercialname="Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2 Analogue Tuner 1" capturename="7162 BDA Analog Capture0" devid="ven_1131&dev_7162&subsys_08605168&rev_01">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="true" mpeg2="true" mce="true" sw="false" bda="false"></capabilities>
<interface cat="mux" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"></interface>
<filter cat="tvtuner" name="7162 BDA Analog Tv Tuner0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="tvaudio" name="7162 BDA Analog TV Audio0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="crossbar" name="7162 BDA Analog Xbar0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="capture" name="7162 BDA Analog Capture0" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="videncoder" name="CyberLink MPEG Video Encoder" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="audencoder" name="Cyberlink Audio Encoder" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="mux" name="CyberLink MPEG Muxer" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%tvtuner%"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tvaudio" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%audiotuner%"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="1"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="videncoder" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="2" sinkfilter="audencoder" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="videncoder" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="audencoder" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux" sinkpin="1"></connection>
<capturecard commercialname="Lifeview FlyTV Express X1 MST-STA2 Analogue Tuner 2" capturename="7162 BDA Analog Capture1" devid="ven_1131&dev_7162&subsys_08605168&rev_01">
<capabilities tv="true" radio="true" mpeg2="true" mce="true" sw="false" bda="false"></capabilities>
<interface cat="mux" video="" audio="" mpeg2="0"></interface>
<filter cat="tvtuner" name="7162 BDA Analog Tv Tuner1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="tvaudio" name="7162 BDA Analog TV Audio1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="crossbar" name="7162 BDA Analog Xbar1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="capture" name="7162 BDA Analog Capture1" checkdevice="true"></filter>
<filter cat="videncoder" name="CyberLink MPEG Video Encoder" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="audencoder" name="Cyberlink Audio Encoder" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<filter cat="mux" name="CyberLink MPEG Muxer" checkdevice="false"></filter>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%tvtuner%"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tvtuner" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="tvaudio" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="tvaudio" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="crossbar" sinkpin="%audiotuner%"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="crossbar" sourcepin="1" sinkfilter="capture" sinkpin="1"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="videncoder" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="capture" sourcepin="2" sinkfilter="audencoder" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="videncoder" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux" sinkpin="0"></connection>
<connection sourcefilter="audencoder" sourcepin="0" sinkfilter="mux" sinkpin="1"></connection>
Please anyone can send to MediaPortal, for update in MediaPortal 1.0.1?