[Rejected] Fix for mantis #0002107 (1 Viewer)


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  • February 7, 2007
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    Greece Greece
    I 've been working on this issue ("Group button (text) misplaced in TV Guide when UI Calibration is used") and I have found the cause. I also have a preliminary fix but it needs further testing. As soon as I run some more test I will post the patch file.
    The patch wil be based in SVN 22555.



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  • February 7, 2007
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    Greece Greece
    I have uploaded a preliminary version of the patch. The patch is based on MP SVN 22555 (latest svn was published after I started work). I have tested most of MP's functionality but I may have missed something. More testing needs to be done because unfortunately the patch affects many parts of the skin engine. If someone can help with testing please report your findings here.

    The root of the problem was that UI calibration transformations should be the last thing applied (just before drawing to screen). As it was, calibration was applied in various places and in various orders, but mostly it was applied before animations (which do rotation and scaling). The most obvious effects are visible when calibration involves translation (i.e. the top / left sides have been moved). In this case the rotation /scaling center is also translated causing, for example, zooming buttons to also move to the right / down. Another more subtle side effect is that, because calibration also scales the UI but the scaling is not applied as a transform but rather as a scaling of the various elements' bounding boxes, text does not scale. As a result if you scale down the UI considerably, fonts are too large and the labels do not fit within their buttons. This is a problem for skins like aMPed which have large fonts that barely fit.

    At this point the patch fixes the first part of the problem (i.e. the translation issue). I did not do anything about the scaling because the effects are more subtle and also because scaling seems to be applied in many more places, which in turn means many more changes and many more things can break. Still, I will give it a try and see how it goes.



    • Fix for TVGuide group text misplaced - Mantis 0002107 (SVN22555) - rc1.patch
      30.8 KB
    • GUIFont.zip
      30.6 KB


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  • February 7, 2007
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    Greece Greece
    I just realized that changes to the file Core\guilib\GUIFont.cs where not included in the patch because the file is marked as binary in svn(!) and "Create Patch" skips binary files.

    I have uploaded the modified file (the entire file) in the previous post.



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 28, 2006
    Milano, Italy
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    I just realized that changes to the file Core\guilib\GUIFont.cs where not included in the patch because the file is marked as binary in svn(!) and "Create Patch" skips binary files.

    Flag removed in SVN22801




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  • February 7, 2007
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    Greece Greece
    There is, but I finished it late last night and have not uploaded it yet.
    I will upload it tonight when I get home (I'm at work right now)
    Please note the code needs a lot of clean up - mostly comments - that I will do as soon as I have some positive feedback.


    Retired Team Member
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  • February 7, 2007
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    Greece Greece
    Rejected this patch because a newer, better version has been approved.


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