FLV videos in MediaPortal and SAF question (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 28, 2008
Home Country
Germany Germany

I already read through some posts here how to get FLV files working with the internal player in MediaPortal but didn't succeed yet on my computer.

The SAF for MediaPortal seems to support those but I couldn't install this on my computer, it seems to check C:/Program Files/... however on my German Windows this folder doesn't exist, the default place for programs is C:/Programme/... and so it tells me that I have no MediaPortal installed on my machine. Is there a way to change the location where the SAF installer checks if MediaPortal is installed?

But actually I maybe don't really need SAF, I got all videos working before except for FLV, as far as I understand I need to install something called "FLVSplitter.ax" which comes with SAF.
Could someone maybe explain me how SAF installs this and how I could just do this myself?

Thanks a lot and greetings :)



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    Goto MPC-HC homepage - http://mpc-hc.sourceforge.net/
    Click Download
    Choose stand alone filters
    Download the FLVSplitter.ax.zip file, and extract the filter from the .zip file using winzip or winrar.

    Put the FLVSplitter.ax file into the C:\windows\system32 directory
    Click on start menu, then click on "run"
    Type "regsvr32 FLVsplitter.ax" and hit enter

    Here is a direct link to the 32bit file - mpchc_x86_v1.2.908.0_FLVSplitter.zip


    Portal Member
    December 28, 2008
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Thanks a lot, worked great also under Vista, just had to run the command in a commend line console started before as administrator :)

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