Generic Network Provider is not allways working in Win7.... (1 Viewer)


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  • September 23, 2008
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    I mentioned in side note while testing that My Pinnacle usb 70e tuner(dvb-t)
    is not working in Win 7, but works okay in xp in same machine.

    Well I made a little experiment on a code of tvserver. I changed to code, so that with dvb-t server first uses Microsoft dvbt network provider, instead of generic, and who-la !. Tuner started working okay. I got some positive energy, i tried the nameless bulk dvb-t tuner(20€) pci, and that worked too.

    So this little experiment makes me wonder, that because Win7 still has these different network providers, with different tuning spaces + generic network provider, should it be possible to have a setting where wanted provider could be set as per tuner basis.
    I mean if they exist, theyll probably will be around for as long as win 7 exist.

    generic net provider on the other hand works good with TT 3200 S2 tuner. Because of the tuner providers has variant capability to provide good drivers, it might actually be a good idea to let MP users have freedom of choice to find best solution for their tuners.



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  • January 7, 2005
    Nice find. Options for users are always bad (many wont know why such setting is there). But sometimes those are needed to workaround driver etc. bugs. So at least I think such setting should be added to the TVE3, lets see what rest of the devs thing.

    In the mean time could you provide a patch that creates the GUI setting, stores the setting to DB and handles the graph building based on that setting? That would hugely increase the change that the option is added in TVE3 1.1.0 (we are in sort of the workforce :)).


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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland
    Nice find. Options for users are always bad (many wont know why such setting is there). But sometimes those are needed to workaround driver etc. bugs. So at least I think such setting should be added to the TVE3, lets see what rest of the devs thing.

    In the mean time could you provide a patch that creates the GUI setting, stores the setting to DB and handles the graph building based on that setting? That would hugely increase the change that the option is added in TVE3 1.1.0 (we are in sort of the workforce :)).

    I can try, if can ask stupid questions about database handling for example. :D


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 7, 2005
    Nice find. Options for users are always bad (many wont know why such setting is there). But sometimes those are needed to workaround driver etc. bugs. So at least I think such setting should be added to the TVE3, lets see what rest of the devs thing.

    In the mean time could you provide a patch that creates the GUI setting, stores the setting to DB and handles the graph building based on that setting? That would hugely increase the change that the option is added in TVE3 1.1.0 (we are in sort of the workforce :)).

    I can try, if can ask stupid questions about database handling for example. :D

    There should be similar settings already in DB. But please ask questions if needed.


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  • September 23, 2008
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    Here is patch.

    Nice find. Options for users are always bad (many wont know why such setting is there). But sometimes those are needed to workaround driver etc. bugs. So at least I think such setting should be added to the TVE3, lets see what rest of the devs thing.

    In the mean time could you provide a patch that creates the GUI setting, stores the setting to DB and handles the graph building based on that setting? That would hugely increase the change that the option is added in TVE3 1.1.0 (we are in sort of the workforce :)).

    I can try, if can ask stupid questions about database handling for example. :D

    There should be similar settings already in DB. But please ask questions if needed.

    Changes are not so big, but it contains new files for altering db. Card table is altered for new field.

    49_upxxxxxxxxxx.sql files for ms & mysql.

    Everything else was quite simple.

    In card.cs there is new enumerator for net provider types.

    Forgive me, I'm wery bad for commenting code. In work also.:)

    Try if you like.

    Okay: Problem found. If generic provider does not exist in machine, one ends up non working server. Manually finxing Db makes it work again.


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  • September 23, 2008
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    Reworked patch.

    Well I obviously missed the the case where generic provider does not exist, and still use it as default.:oops:

    This one should work. Actually user really can use only generic(if it's available) or based on cartype.



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  • September 23, 2008
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    My wife has swineflu, so I won't be around for a while, need to take care of family.

    ToDo on patch:

    reduce combo for selecting only between cardtype netprovider or generic(if available) in formcardedit.cs.
    Remove My Own patch which I use for forcing channel change to work much more reliably,
    even if i loose timeshifting file sometimes in TvHome.cs.


    Combo box in card edit in setupTv-exe now contains only
    "Microsoft network provider" based on cardtype and generic (if it is available).
    Database modification has default value 0, which is not okay, but
    it is managed elswhere to be correct. In machines where no generic
    provider is available database is corrected to contain correct value. This is done
    in TvCardDvbBase.cs

    As far as i have tested with win7 and xp(no generic provider) update works okay now.
    with build debloy release builds.

    with wery little changes it is possible to prevent those usb tuners(if you have only one) changing their id's
    when they are identified as different tuners and mess up server. I have this patch in my htpc,
    if interested, i'll show that. It is possible to make it as an seletable option in setuptv, so that
    user can tic checkbox saying keep this usb tuner locked, or I have only one usb tuner.
    In simple way it's done when new cards are detected.You just compare devicepath string if it has
    USb in it. The you compare new and old paths arouns 27 characters. In that way it allready contains "USB\VID_eb13" for example and that eb1b is cihpset(card) identifier. And if name also matches, then just update devicepath to old intans and persis into database.



    • combox_reworked_Selectable_net_provider.patch
      30.8 KB


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  • August 7, 2005
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    Just out of interest, does this require Win7 on all computers, or just on the TV server? I'd be very interested to test on Vista clients connecting to a Win7 server.

    Best wishes,



    Retired Team Member
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  • September 23, 2008
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    Finland Finland
    Actually neither. I mean Generic provider is in Win versions where has also MediaCenter, if i remember
    right. Dev's might correct if i'm wrong.

    But yes. it affects only server.


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