==============GIRLS ONLY THREAD ===============
This is a thread I thought about a couple of month ago. Tonight, it is just after midnight I sit here with a nice glass of wine and remembered this old idea. So here it goes:
As you may have noticed, the htpc world is very male dominated. There is currently no woman under the active forum members (at least none that outed herself). As you may all know from own experience, the ultimate test for a htpc is if it is really accepted by your girlfriend/wive (or both
), also known as WAF= WomanAcceptanceFactor.
So this thread has two aspects:
# a fun factor
# a serious background: If we can gather what keeps girls from using the htpc or prefer the traditional TV, we may learn something to improve MP. Usability is the headline Frodo announced for 0.2
How it works
# In this thread, it is strictly and only allowed to post for females!!!
# I will open another thread, labeled "[discussion] where male users can comment, answer on contributions in this thread. This is meant to keep this thread clean only for female thoughts and comments on MP!
# As girlfriend/wife you do not need to, but can of cource, open a forum membership on your own. You can post with your boyfriends/husbands account. But please sign your posting with a name, eather your real name or a slick nickname like "supergirl" or whatever. This way, people can address you correctly if they want to reply in the discussion thread.
About what to post?
# Please feel free to post about what you think fit
# This might be, why you use MP, or why you do not use MP
# This might be which parts of MP u use, what your friends think about your htpc
# This might be things you feel need to be improved to make you a user of MP
# This might be what your kids think about MP
# This might be what you think about your boyfriend/husband spending more time with MP than with you :?
Since I look through the forum almost every evening, my wife already already announced: "Hey tomtom21000 (really using my nick), one day soon, I will post some very interesting contributions on MP-forums. so, if you ever come across a very strange posting from tomtom21000, it sure wasn´t me
So, maybe I can canalize this potentially criminal energy into having her state her view on MediaPortal on the next few days.
tomtom21000 :wink:
O.k. Girlzzz, it´s your go now
This is a thread I thought about a couple of month ago. Tonight, it is just after midnight I sit here with a nice glass of wine and remembered this old idea. So here it goes:
As you may have noticed, the htpc world is very male dominated. There is currently no woman under the active forum members (at least none that outed herself). As you may all know from own experience, the ultimate test for a htpc is if it is really accepted by your girlfriend/wive (or both
So this thread has two aspects:
# a fun factor
# a serious background: If we can gather what keeps girls from using the htpc or prefer the traditional TV, we may learn something to improve MP. Usability is the headline Frodo announced for 0.2
How it works
# In this thread, it is strictly and only allowed to post for females!!!
# I will open another thread, labeled "[discussion] where male users can comment, answer on contributions in this thread. This is meant to keep this thread clean only for female thoughts and comments on MP!
# As girlfriend/wife you do not need to, but can of cource, open a forum membership on your own. You can post with your boyfriends/husbands account. But please sign your posting with a name, eather your real name or a slick nickname like "supergirl" or whatever. This way, people can address you correctly if they want to reply in the discussion thread.
About what to post?
# Please feel free to post about what you think fit
# This might be, why you use MP, or why you do not use MP
# This might be which parts of MP u use, what your friends think about your htpc
# This might be things you feel need to be improved to make you a user of MP
# This might be what your kids think about MP
# This might be what you think about your boyfriend/husband spending more time with MP than with you :?
Since I look through the forum almost every evening, my wife already already announced: "Hey tomtom21000 (really using my nick), one day soon, I will post some very interesting contributions on MP-forums. so, if you ever come across a very strange posting from tomtom21000, it sure wasn´t me
So, maybe I can canalize this potentially criminal energy into having her state her view on MediaPortal on the next few days.
tomtom21000 :wink:
O.k. Girlzzz, it´s your go now