"Global search" / Xbox like feature (1 Viewer)


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  • September 3, 2006
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    With the desktop update coming for xbox later this year, theyre going to launch Bing as a search engine on the console. This means that one can say "xbox bing Star Wars" an you get a list of available movies/games/tv-series etc that is Star Wars related.

    Is it possible to have something similar for Mediaportal? Not neccesarily the voice part (althiugh that would be a nice bonus) but a search engine that worked across plugins so one could bring up a search box and type "Will Smith" one would then get a list of movies, music tv-ahows/episodes that he is connected to.

    If you`re using Netflix and Moving Pictures you could get Men in Black (Moving Pictures), Men in Black II (Netflix), Men in Black III (in your local cinema) etc.

    Imo. this could be a killer feature for Mediaportal.

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