GoogleTranslate added to the wiki (1 Viewer)


  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 31, 2004
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    We get requests for a localized manual for MediaPortal pretty often but cant provide that for every language. Keeping the manual up to date in just one language is a lot of work and we dont have the manpower to provide others too.
    Therefore Ive added a basic translation function to the wiki. Far far far from being perfect but it should help new users to understand some basic functions and get a first start. At least until 50 users volunteer to create a proper translation manually. Anyone? ;)

    Using it is pretty simple, the script determines the browser language and all besides the default (english) will see a bar above the content. If you are a developer please keep in mind that code-examples may also be translated. In this case please stick with the original version.

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