Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 2250 No Digital Problem (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
November 25, 2005
I just picked up a Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 2250 and am pretty impressed. Unfortunately, MediaPortal does not seem to find the digital interfaces only the 2 analogs. I gave MCE a whirl just to see what it saw and much to my dismay, it found both the digital and analog interfaces. Is there something I am missing or that I did wrong?

Running: MediaPortal
OS: Windows 7


Portal Member
September 2, 2007
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Canada Canada
Hmm, I am having the same problem with the MP 1.0.2, the 2250 and Windows 7.

I currently have my HTPC dual booting XP and windows 7. Under XP both the digital and analog tuners are detected, but under Windows 7 only the analog tuners are present.

With Windows XP, I am using drivers . The TV server log shows everything detected.
2009-06-02 01:47:55.343750 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-06-02 01:47:55.859375 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-06-02 01:47:55.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-06-02 01:47:55.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-06-02 01:47:55.890625 [PowerEventThread]: TV service PowerEventThread 537
2009-06-02 01:47:56.093750 [TVService]: Detected ATSC card:hauppauge wintv-7164 bda atsc/qam tuner
2009-06-02 01:47:56.468750 [TVService]: Detected ATSC card:hauppauge wintv-7164 bda atsc/qam tuner
2009-06-02 01:47:56.593750 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv-7164 analog tv tuner
2009-06-02 01:47:56.734375 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv-7164 analog tv tuner
2009-06-02 01:47:56.750000 [TVService]: Controller: started at htpc
2009-06-02 01:47:56.750000 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:

Under Windows 7 I am using the default driver installed by Microsoft, version There are no errors in the log:
2009-06-02 01:35:48.431047 [TVService]: ----------------------------
2009-06-02 01:35:48.432047 [TVService]: Detecting Cards
2009-06-02 01:35:49.231093 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv-7164 analog tv tuner
2009-06-02 01:35:49.617115 [TVService]: Detected analog card:hauppauge wintv-7164 analog tv tuner
2009-06-02 01:35:49.656117 [TVService]: Controller: started at HTPC
2009-06-02 01:35:49.657117 [TVService]: Controller: local ip address:

I noticed that Hauppauge has some beta drivers on there website, but I have not had time to try them yet.



Portal Member
January 24, 2008
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United States of America United States of America
Count me in

I also have this problem i think. I tried installing this card under a fresh win 7 x32 and win 7 x64 i tried 3-4 different older drivers none of which found my hardware as a valid card. I used the drivers from the disk and the card installs fine. When I go into device manager I see only 1 card - Hauppauge WinTV - HVR-2250(8891)

Is this consistent with everyone else? Is this what others see? or Does everyone that actually has this working properly see 2 cards? When I setup media portal after I see 2 Analog Tuners and a Radio tuner and 0 digital tuners.

Which stinks because windows media center uses this card fine and tunes analog and digital channels through it for both tuners. I have a feeling SageTV will use it fine too. Is there any way to force the media portal to use the tuner for digital and analog? or to force media portal to use one for digital and 1 for analog, at least this would ease the pain of getting it properly fixed.

aye aye aye....



New Member
October 23, 2009
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United States of America United States of America
I too am having this problem. The HVR-2250 works great in Media Center but only analog tuners show up in MediaPortal. I'm using Win7 x86. I bet more people start having this issue now that Win7 was officially released today. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!

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