Hauppauge WinTV usb MP2.0.0RC1 bug (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 8, 2005
Area: Media Portal Skin / Plugins / Other
MP Version: 2.0.0 RC1 CVS 11-07-2005 18:57
Skin: MCE
Windows Version: Win XP sp2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 2000
Memory: 512MB DDR1
Motherboard Chipset: Gigabyte G7VAXP
Video Card: ATI Radeon 9600
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.10
Video Card Resolution: 1024x768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: multiple sorts
Audio Codec Type & Version: multiple sorts
TV Card: type of TV card, Hauppauge WinTV USB
TV Card Type: software
TV Card Driver: wintvusb_264_23189.exe

Synopsis: MP1.3 recognises the TV-card as a general SW card and works perfect. including sound and timeshifting.
MP 2.0.0RC1, different CVS'es recognises the card as a general HW card and therefore don't work.


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    Taken from another thread, MP has removed software card support now so they wont work after 0130. As far as what I could find that is a software card so it wont work anymore.


    New Member
    November 8, 2005
    Mmhh, too bad, because it worked flawlesly before, so why bother deleting support, but ok, i will search for the topic you mentioned

    Thanks anyway

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