HDMI capture? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
June 15, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark

In a weeks time i get a new setup, consisting of 2*set top box (2 channels at once).
They support HDMI and SCART.

Is there a cart out there that takes HDMI without costing a milion (google help me littel enden around 500$ pr. channel....)?
If not, can you recommended a AV-capture card with h/w incoder.?

Excuse my eng. i spell like crap.


Portal Member
June 15, 2008
Home Country
Denmark Denmark
I have seen that card but as i understand you need a extra hdmi decoder thing, to remove copy protection on the hdmi signal. I found one at around 200$ + a hd-capture cart it all adds up to around 500 $ for 1 channel. :eek:

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