Hi guys got loads of questions as i have never coded a plugin before have had some vb6 experience and i am using visual studio 2005 for this plugin - but i have very limited knowledge of this.
1, is visual studio 2005 ok for this plugin?
2, i have some code that will return via a webbrowser control the links on any given web page as follows:
page source looks like this: <a href="./cat/55/id/1585274">Stargate 906</a><br />
my code returns this: http://joox.net/cat/2/id/1585274
how would i get the link but also the category name so the links provided are recognizable i.e as in the source above
http://joox.net/cat/2/id/1585274 - Displayed = "Stargate 906"
3, after loads of googleing and research i have noticed that other web-scrap plugins have an xml front-end with the Gui layout to links on the desired web page. but once a link is clicked in media portal the results are displayed in media portal, how is this done? are the results loaded into strings, filtered and displayed with some sort of output command or is the window that displays the results a further xml written live in the background?.
i hope this is not to much to ask i am sure with a little help i can do this but in order to do so i need to understand the concept fully first then i can start with some serious coding and probably some more exacting questions. just need a push start to get going.
thanks in advance guys
1, is visual studio 2005 ok for this plugin?
2, i have some code that will return via a webbrowser control the links on any given web page as follows:
Private Sub Command1_Click(ByVal eventSender As System.Object, ByVal eventArgs As System.EventArgs) Handles Command1.Click
Dim i As Short
For i = 0 To WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.links.Length - 1
If InStr(1, WebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument.links.Item(i).href, "http://") = 1 Then
End If
Next i
End Sub
page source looks like this: <a href="./cat/55/id/1585274">Stargate 906</a><br />
my code returns this: http://joox.net/cat/2/id/1585274
how would i get the link but also the category name so the links provided are recognizable i.e as in the source above
http://joox.net/cat/2/id/1585274 - Displayed = "Stargate 906"
3, after loads of googleing and research i have noticed that other web-scrap plugins have an xml front-end with the Gui layout to links on the desired web page. but once a link is clicked in media portal the results are displayed in media portal, how is this done? are the results loaded into strings, filtered and displayed with some sort of output command or is the window that displays the results a further xml written live in the background?.
i hope this is not to much to ask i am sure with a little help i can do this but in order to do so i need to understand the concept fully first then i can start with some serious coding and probably some more exacting questions. just need a push start to get going.
thanks in advance guys