Help needed to improve US channel configuration (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • May 6, 2005
    Help required!

    Ok to try an improve the TV/Radio setup I have been looking at ways to setup a channel information database.

    I have found that I can download a full database from the fcc in the US. However, this database is way too big!! So I was wondering if someone would be able to filter it for me :)

    I'm hoping it will be a lot smaller, once all the non relevant data is thrown away.

    The database can be downloaded here (include information of database structure, etc):

    and searched on line here:

    The database has many tables and I haven't quite worked out how they all fit together. However, when searching on the I can see the useful information:

    state, city, call sign, channel and Licensee (Where service=TV and TX)

    Currently the db is a 66Meg zip download (updated daily) but becomes 300Meg of data on the disk!

    I don't think we need to update everyday. However, some form of scripting that would allow the data to be filtered automatically and updated once in a while would be good.

    Anyway, post here or PM me if you are interested. Being from/in the US may help understanding the data. There are no garantees this can/will be used, but it is worth a try ;)


    Portal Pro
    December 4, 2005
    I'm willing to give it a try. It looks like many of the tables (ownership_contract, ant_make...etc) are not needed for our purposes.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • May 6, 2005
    Hey fcsobel,

    Thats great :) I'm thinking (hoping) much of the data can be throw away.

    Post if you need any extra info.

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