how can I build MP with VS2005 (1 Viewer)


New Member
November 6, 2006
Home Country
South Korea South Korea
i tried to build MP with VS2005 many times.. but i fail to it..

i don't know why it doesn't work properly...:confused:

question 1!

when i tried to build the MP, it shows many errors about string of " '? "

so, i modified it to " '?' " but during solution building, a file wasn't copied and

VS' output message was "can't find a valid path".

question 2

Pushing Ctrl+F5, i executed MP in VS2005.

Although the configuration had been successfully done, a error occured at the

begining part of the main program and its message was "An error occured while

loading the plugin GUIBurner.SetupForm. It's incompatible with the current

MediaPortal version and won't be loaded."

question 3

i tried to translate skin. i did execute MP after modifying string.xml file but i

couldn't see the modified string.

i wanna convert message boxs and skin in MP into my mother language..

but i failed , so i can't do anything now.

Help me,please.

thank you for reading so far.


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Question 1: what do you mean? Actual question marks are being displayed in the source code? Maybe your version is corrupt...

Question 3: After changing the correct xml file (create a folder for your language in the Language folder, and copy an existing string.xml file into it and edit), you also need to make sure that language file is selected in MP Configuration.



New Member
November 6, 2006
Home Country
South Korea South Korea
thank you Sam..

Question 1 : VS' ver is..

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005
Ver 8.0.50727.42 (RTM.050727-4200)
Microsoft .NET Framework
Ver 2.0.50727
Install Version: Enterprise
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Software Developers

any problem with this version?

and what is your version?

Question 3

i exactly do that you wrote(select my language in MP Configuration, create my language folder below language folder, and copy english version string.xml file, and edit, and check encording in xml), but i saw english or no strings printed


Portal Pro
August 25, 2004
Melbourne, Australia
Question 1: I was referring to your copy of the source code. Maybe because you have your computer set to an asian language the encoding stuffed up or something... I'm not exactly sure what you're seeing though. You should not have question marks in your source code (unless its an inline if statement).

Question 3: There may be an issue with MP showing asian characters. There's a few threads here on a guy who managed to get MP to display Chinese after a few hacks. Do a search for chinese on these forums...I think the guy's name is mike lin.


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