How do i get XMLTV running for australia (1 Viewer)



hay guys, was just wondering if you guys could help me get XMLTV running for australia



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  • April 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    i would also like to know this to....maybe some1 could post a guide for XMLTV setup


    yes thanks, but um theres no docs for au, and the the tv_graber_au, has no docs (thats i could find) on how to make it work, and XMLTV-Automate dosent support australia, it does support NZ though which is very strange


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • April 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    ok well this tv show grabber sort of the end i get 2 .XML files about 312K in size each....

    now what do i do with them?

    how do i get the channnels to show their icons instead of the old icons for Holland?


    um ... yep thanks Larry, but theres quite a few holes in getting that to work


    Portal Member
    August 13, 2004
    EPG for Australia?

    Anyone get this working? I got the OdGregg scrapper working fine but dont know how to get it working within MP


    Hi, my first post here - just signed up. Please be gently :roll:

    Up until now I have been playing with myHTPC, but find it all quite limiting and sadly the forums have just died since Meedio has been released. Found out about MP and have glued to the message boards since. I have been waiting for a couple of things before I make the switch on my HTPC box: tv guide working, live TV, recording and the new "MCE" skin. Unfortunately, I am stuck with a SW card for the moment (see sig block).

    However, I figured out last night how to get the TVhavest listings to show up in MP.

    The trick is it must be renamed "tvguide.xml"

    Obviously, you have to modify the config file for your settings. Run the app and it creates two xml files - listings.xml and listings2.xml. The first one is used during the process as a scratch area and can be safely deleted once the process is finished. In MP config utility, go to Television > Program Guide > XMLTV settings > XMLTV folder. Point this to where you downloaded the file to. Finally, rename Listings2.xml to tvguide.xml

    In myHTPC you had to restart the myHTPC app for it to pick up the new listing, I presume you have to do the same here? Maybe MP is more dynamic and reloads when the guide is viewed. The reason this had me stumped was in myHTPC it read any xml file in the designated folder. When MP just asked for the folder name I thought that it would work in the same way. Maybe this should be changed, either it will accept any xml file (not hard coded to that name) or it should force you to browse for a file named tvguide.xml?

    Anyway, if it helps, I run this all in a batch file which can be scheduled to run with windows scheduled tasks:

    del "c:\program files\myHTPC\data\tv\listings\*.xml"
    call "c:\program files\myHTPC\tvharvest\tvharvest.exe"
    del "c:\program files\myHTPC\data\tv\listings\listing.xml"
    ren "c:\program files\myHTPC\data\tv\listings\listing2.xml" tvguide.xml

    (I also used to have a task kill and start cmd to restart myHTPC)

    Hope this helps guys, please post back if you get this working. If it would be useful I could write a proper guide for people who have never used tvharvest before. Unfortunately, the author was asked to remove this app from his website recently. Hopefully, as M$ push MCE out to Australia later this year, a freely available xmltv guide will available.

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