How to get Album Cover for folder? (1 Viewer)


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  • June 17, 2008
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    I several Albums in seperate Folders and within each mp3 file the Album Covers/Picture is stored (for example it's shown on windows explorer).

    Within MP for all files the cover is visible. But for some Folders the Cover of the Album is shown and for some not.

    I can't find out what's the diffrence between the folders (or files within it) with Cover and those without. :oops:

    How do I have to tag (with Program "tag&rename")the files to get Album cover even for folder? :confused:


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  • April 11, 2005
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    How are you browsing your albums (Database based view Albums or Shares)?

    For DB View: Scan Database either with exctract Album Art from mp3 option in Config or Download Coverart using the lastfm plugin (often better)
    For Shares View: MP uses the file called folder.jpg as folder thumb, so store the album cover as folder.jpg in the folder.


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  • June 17, 2008
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    How are you browsing your albums (Database based view Albums or Shares)?

    For DB View: Scan Database either with exctract Album Art from mp3 option in Config or Download Coverart using the lastfm plugin (often better)
    For Shares View: MP uses the file called folder.jpg as folder thumb, so store the album cover as folder.jpg in the folder.

    I have not so many files (prefer Radio ;) ) and I'm browsing the files like I have stored them (Folders view?) --> "shares view" ?

    The folder.jpg I use for "special" Folders for example with "mixed" content or from one Artist.

    The cover Art is stored within each file and for most of the Folders representing an Album, I get a thumbnail with the Album cover. I didn't do anything "manualy" like saving an album cover as file or using lastfm. MP generates the thumb form the tagged mp3 files.

    But unfortunatly not for all folders and I don't see any difference to those do fine?!?

    So I expect that the files are tagged wrong.

    My question is: When does MP generate a folder thumb from files within it?

    - All files have to have the same picture?
    - no other picture stored in the folder?
    - Which tag have the picture to have (Front Cover, Icon, ...)?
    - ...


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  • April 11, 2005
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    I was not aware that mp would generate share thumbs for music by itself. I would still recommend switching to the DB views (more flexible), but I can not help on the question of generated thumbs (all my folders have a folder.jpg).


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  • June 10, 2008
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    There is an option to create missing folder.jpg in the MP Config Music section. However I suggest you use database view rather than shares view. Database view uses the stored album images rather than the folder.jpg images. In MP Config music section you can set what sources can be used to generate the thumbnail images, you can choose between folder.jpg or embedded images, or you can use the audioscrobber plugin to populate missing thumbnails for albums in your collection.

    Alternatively there is also a program by jmcentre that creates folder.jpg for all your artists. It will only work if you use the same folder arrangement as i do


    MP Donator
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  • June 17, 2008
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    Germany Germany
    There is an option to create missing folder.jpg in the MP Config Music section. However I suggest you use database view rather than shares view. Database view uses the stored album images rather than the folder.jpg images. In MP Config music section you can set what sources can be used to generate the thumbnail images, you can choose between folder.jpg or embedded images, or you can use the audioscrobber plugin to populate missing thumbnails for albums in your collection.

    Alternatively there is also a program by jmcentre that creates folder.jpg for all your artists. It will only work if you use the same folder arrangement as i do

    The option " create missing folder.jpg" is not possible, because I have folders (mixed content) where I don't want to have a thumb (or add it manualy as folder.jpg).

    If I set the option these "blank" folders get a (random) image.

    Actually I don't understand, what's the reason for 90% of the folders/files get the right thumb and the other 5% not. Because I don't see the diffrence of these files/folders: All tagged with Album covers and no folder.jpg ...

    Very Strange...


    Super Moderator
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  • June 10, 2008
    New Zealand
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    if you want to use shares view you must use folder.jpg there is no other option how else is the GUI supposed to know what to display??

    Since no one else has access to your files / directory structure then only you can work out where the problem lies.

    it sounds like you are using shares view which doesn't use the music thumbs, it just uses folder.jpg if there is no folder.jpg then it tries to find something it can use (can't remember the method here) and if it can't find anything it wont display any image at all. music section is designed for database view, so i suggest you setup your music to be tagged correctly and use database view. i have a guide in my sig. shares view is a stop gap for people who don't have their music setup nicely, shares vs database view is akin to browsing movies with windows explorer 'vs' moving pictures plugin

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