How to record in 16:9 format (2 Viewers)


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  • January 23, 2007
    Hi all,
    I'm experimenting MP reconding feature and I would like to understand if there is a way to record from DVB-T and DVB-S in 16:9 format. I'm currently using MP + TVserver and I dind't find any setting/plug-in to realize that. I noticed several series recorded from channels satellite (i.e. FOX) that are in 16:9 even if the trasmission is usually in 4:3 format. In my configuration, I'm only able to record a stream in MPEG in 4:3 format

    Anyone has any idea on how to "fix" this? I tried to convert the format in "post production" but reading some forum I'm afraid this conversion is not possible

    Thank you all for your support


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 6, 2004
    MP records whatever the channels send. If they send a wrong format, than that is the format MP will record.

    You can however simply strech the wrong format and force the 4:3 stream to display as 16:9.
    December 28, 2005
    Home Country
    As inker as just stated it will recorded whatever is transmitted in the “raw” aspect.
    Note: that the live viewing decoder is different to the recorded decoder, so as a result you may have different aspect when viewing live and recorded TV.


    MP Donator
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  • January 23, 2007
    thank you for your reply. There is a way to "permanently" strech a recorded stream to have a 16:9 format? As I told you, I saw some episode recorded from FOX that are in 16:9 format ("native" or streched) so I would like to understand if there is a way to "convert" (or strech) the recorded stream.

    Thank you

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    so I would like to understand if there is a way to "convert" (or strech) the recorded stream

    Not quite sure of the question, but if converting to another format ie Divx\Xvid\MP4 there is always a option to keep original aspect.

    Even if you choose original aspect within MP you tend to get a shrunken "original" of the aspect you are watching.

    Does this help, or add more confusion.

    Maybe the question needs to be more specific.


    MP Donator
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  • January 23, 2007
    Hi Paranoi D.
    I'll try to better explain my question. As my understanding, there is no a way in MP to directly record a stream from DVB-S in the 16:9 format. So I'm interested to understand if there is a way to transform a recorded MPEG stream (i.e from FOX) in another stream (i.e MPEG, AVI, Divx,....) but in 16:9 format. The conversion can be made even after the recording phase as well. I would like to avoid to see all my reconding stream in 4:3 format on my 16:9 plasma tv.

    Hope this is more clear
    Thank you


    Portal Pro
    September 4, 2005
    The question is, why do you want to re-code a video-stream with loss of image quality to hard-code in aspect information, when the same can just as easily be done at playback by selecting one of the mediaportal aspect/stretch options?



    Retired Team Member
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  • February 23, 2005
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    As my understanding, there is no a way in MP to directly record a stream from DVB-S in the 16:9 format.

    No, that is not correct.

    If the DVB stream is being broadcast in 16:9, then it will be recorded by MediaPortal in the same 16:9 format.

    When you playback that recording, it will appear in the exact same aspect ratio as it was broadcast, or that you would see if you watched the original broadcast direct. There is no need to do any conversions.


    MP Donator
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  • January 23, 2007
    I "would like" to hard recode the video stream just to get a "portable" 16:9 video because usually I don't get use to review my recorded stream with MP but using Media Player or other player lipe PowerDVD

    you are right, MP record the original aspect ratio. Here in italy, we have really few channel broadcasting in native 16:9, most of them are 4:3, this is why I posted this 3d

    Thank you again


    Portal Pro
    September 4, 2005
    Ife the problem is that other players does not accept media aspect ratio flags or does not offer the desired stretch-modes, what about finding a player/codec that fits your needs? id you try zoomplayer or mediaplayer classic?


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