This is a How-To for those who want to use Comskip to cut commercials out of recordings (mpeg2).
Just select the file with your remote within Media Portal you want to get rid of commercials and Comskip will do the rest.
--> Please visit Comskip Forum for further information to Comskip, tips and tricks optimizing Comskip results and the latest updates.
This How-To should be a work-around until there will be an integrated Plugin for Media Portal.
Because Erik (the maintainer of Comskip) won't support dvr-ms files we will need to wait for a Comskip integration until
MediaPortal will switch to the new record engine using ts and ps files.
Until then I thought some people would find this work-around helpful, too.
This Plugin uses several Open Source and Freeware programs, to detect and cut out commercials.
These programs are Comskip, Comclean and Mpgtx.
I put them all together in one folder and made some default settings.
Let's get started:
1. Download and unzip the following file.
Mirror 1:
2. Open comclean.bat (in the first lines you will see this):
@echo off
Rem comclean.bat Version 0.0.6
Rem Adapt to your framerate times 100 (PAL=2500/NTSC=2997)
set framerate=2500
Rem Adapt to where mpgtx.exe can be found
set mpgtx="C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Comskip\mpgtx.exe"
- Set your framerate
- Set the path of mpgtx.exe
Save your settings and close comclean.bat.
3. Open MediaPortal-Setup and go to ->Plugins -> my Programs, enable and Setup My Programs.
- Add Child -> create a new Directory-Browser
- Launching Application: set the path to PostProcessing.bat
- Startup Directory: set the path to the Comskip folder
- File Directory: set the path where your recordings are stored
- File-Extensions: .mpg,.mpeg
It should look something like this:
Close My Programs and close MediaPortal Setup by clicking OK.
Note: This Plugin cannot handle dvr-ms files!
I recommend to convert your recordings to Mpeg2-files!
TS-files may work, but I've never tested.
5. Start Media Portal, My Programs
go to Comskip,
select your file, press enter and lay back.
A dos prompt comes up and gives you some information what it's going on.
First Comskip will detect commercials and Comclean will cut them out using Mpgtx.
Once finished dos prompt will disappear and your original file will have "_original" added to the file name.
A 1 hour recording took about 20 minutes to detect and cut out commercials on my machine.
That's all...
For me it works quit good and it's an easy way preparing my recordings before burning them to DVD.
Special Thanks to Erik1958 and all developers worked on Comskip!
Enjoy and have fun
Just select the file with your remote within Media Portal you want to get rid of commercials and Comskip will do the rest.
--> Please visit Comskip Forum for further information to Comskip, tips and tricks optimizing Comskip results and the latest updates.
This How-To should be a work-around until there will be an integrated Plugin for Media Portal.
Because Erik (the maintainer of Comskip) won't support dvr-ms files we will need to wait for a Comskip integration until
MediaPortal will switch to the new record engine using ts and ps files.
Until then I thought some people would find this work-around helpful, too.
This Plugin uses several Open Source and Freeware programs, to detect and cut out commercials.
These programs are Comskip, Comclean and Mpgtx.
I put them all together in one folder and made some default settings.
Let's get started:
1. Download and unzip the following file.
Mirror 1:
2. Open comclean.bat (in the first lines you will see this):
@echo off
Rem comclean.bat Version 0.0.6
Rem Adapt to your framerate times 100 (PAL=2500/NTSC=2997)
set framerate=2500
Rem Adapt to where mpgtx.exe can be found
set mpgtx="C:\Programme\Team MediaPortal\MediaPortal\plugins\Comskip\mpgtx.exe"
- Set your framerate
- Set the path of mpgtx.exe
Save your settings and close comclean.bat.
3. Open MediaPortal-Setup and go to ->Plugins -> my Programs, enable and Setup My Programs.

- Add Child -> create a new Directory-Browser
- Launching Application: set the path to PostProcessing.bat
- Startup Directory: set the path to the Comskip folder
- File Directory: set the path where your recordings are stored
- File-Extensions: .mpg,.mpeg
It should look something like this:

Close My Programs and close MediaPortal Setup by clicking OK.
Note: This Plugin cannot handle dvr-ms files!
I recommend to convert your recordings to Mpeg2-files!
TS-files may work, but I've never tested.
5. Start Media Portal, My Programs

go to Comskip,

select your file, press enter and lay back.

A dos prompt comes up and gives you some information what it's going on.
First Comskip will detect commercials and Comclean will cut them out using Mpgtx.

Once finished dos prompt will disappear and your original file will have "_original" added to the file name.
A 1 hour recording took about 20 minutes to detect and cut out commercials on my machine.
That's all...
For me it works quit good and it's an easy way preparing my recordings before burning them to DVD.
Special Thanks to Erik1958 and all developers worked on Comskip!
Enjoy and have fun