Area: Media Portal Program
MP Version:
Skin: Blue Two or MCE
Windows Version: WinXP Professional + SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon64 3000
Memory: 1Gb
Motherboard Chipset: NForce 4 Ultra
Video Card: Sapphire X300 256Mb
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.9
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768, 32 bit
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: MP3
TV Card: Compro Video Mate Gold Rev. 2
TV Card Type: software
TV Card Driver: Compro VMTV_Driver2330
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References:
First of all, let me tell you I really like this piece of software. Big thumbs up for everyone involved in the development.
I have, however, a problem while watching TV. The problem is illustrated in the screenshots below. When I'm watching video in Pal 720*576 format, I see ugly horizontal lines in some parts of the screen.
I was searching through these forums as it seems to be an interlacing problem but could not find a suitable solution so far :-( I was trying severel de-interlacing settings (bob, weave, best) and several decoders (Intervideo, NVidia, decoders in MP) and their registry tweak posted in this forum but nothing has worked so far... or I overlooked something.
I already replaced the GFX card with a Sapphire X800GT from my other PC but the problem remained.
I already tried modifying the filter using GraphEdit but I cannot get rid of the ugly bundle of lines.
The bundle is not stationary, it appears at several vertical positions.
I also thought of a possible PCI bus problem so I put the TV card in another slot, no change. I don't use any other PCI device (bar the PCI-E GFX card).
Watching works just fine at Pal 720*576 in Compro PVR software and Intervideo WinDVR3.
Take a look at the 2 screenshots below and tell me what you think about this problem. One link refers to the vmr9.log, maybe that helps some of you to identify the problem as well...
Personally I have a suspicion that the de-interlacer is not working as it should because some jaggies around high contrast edges are visible in the screenshots. Another indication in this direction is the third screenshot, which is created using the de-interlace filter in xnview.
Capture 1
xnview de-interlaced capture 1
Capture 2
Thanks in advance for reading and helping me out,
MP Version:
Skin: Blue Two or MCE
Windows Version: WinXP Professional + SP2
CPU Type: AMD Athlon64 3000
Memory: 1Gb
Motherboard Chipset: NForce 4 Ultra
Video Card: Sapphire X300 256Mb
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.9
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768, 32 bit
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Intervideo
Audio Codec Type & Version: MP3
TV Card: Compro Video Mate Gold Rev. 2
TV Card Type: software
TV Card Driver: Compro VMTV_Driver2330
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References:
First of all, let me tell you I really like this piece of software. Big thumbs up for everyone involved in the development.
I have, however, a problem while watching TV. The problem is illustrated in the screenshots below. When I'm watching video in Pal 720*576 format, I see ugly horizontal lines in some parts of the screen.
I was searching through these forums as it seems to be an interlacing problem but could not find a suitable solution so far :-( I was trying severel de-interlacing settings (bob, weave, best) and several decoders (Intervideo, NVidia, decoders in MP) and their registry tweak posted in this forum but nothing has worked so far... or I overlooked something.
I already replaced the GFX card with a Sapphire X800GT from my other PC but the problem remained.
I already tried modifying the filter using GraphEdit but I cannot get rid of the ugly bundle of lines.
The bundle is not stationary, it appears at several vertical positions.
I also thought of a possible PCI bus problem so I put the TV card in another slot, no change. I don't use any other PCI device (bar the PCI-E GFX card).
Watching works just fine at Pal 720*576 in Compro PVR software and Intervideo WinDVR3.
Take a look at the 2 screenshots below and tell me what you think about this problem. One link refers to the vmr9.log, maybe that helps some of you to identify the problem as well...
Personally I have a suspicion that the de-interlacer is not working as it should because some jaggies around high contrast edges are visible in the screenshots. Another indication in this direction is the third screenshot, which is created using the de-interlace filter in xnview.
Capture 1
xnview de-interlaced capture 1
Capture 2
Thanks in advance for reading and helping me out,