- January 5, 2006
- 26
- 0
- Home Country
I use 0.2 RC2, no CSVs (please see full details in my first post https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/viewtopic.php?t=12088&highlight= ).
When I receive a phone call over ISDN with suppressed CallerID, ie. from abroad or from companies that suppress their CallerID, my MediaPortal crashes.
To be precise, on my primary monitor I get the Crash window, but MP stays fully active and functional on my secondary monitor. Only when I click the OK in the crash window, MP dies abruptly.
This is the tail of my log:
When I receive a call with CallerID it works OK, although not perfectly. I had to add modified phone numbers in my Outlook Contacts to get them recognised properly, but alas!
Here is the log entry of my GSM calling home. In spite of the exception, MP stops all audio/video for a couple of seconds, displays my picture (from Contacts) and my name and then resumes.
Hope this can be fixed, for now I have to disable the ISDN plugin.
When I receive a phone call over ISDN with suppressed CallerID, ie. from abroad or from companies that suppress their CallerID, my MediaPortal crashes.
To be precise, on my primary monitor I get the Crash window, but MP stays fully active and functional on my secondary monitor. Only when I click the OK in the crash window, MP dies abruptly.
This is the tail of my log:
Note: my Dutch area code is 035, I edited out my 7 digit subscriber number.22-2-2006 10:18:10 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
22-2-2006 11:16:36 ISDN: CAPI command: 0x02 / 0x82
22-2-2006 11:16:36 ISDN: Buffer: (10)(161)35zzzzzzz(2)(0)(163)(0)(0)(3)(128)(144)(163)(0)(2)(145)(129)(4)
When I receive a call with CallerID it works OK, although not perfectly. I had to add modified phone numbers in my Outlook Contacts to get them recognised properly, but alas!
Here is the log entry of my GSM calling home. In spite of the exception, MP stops all audio/video for a couple of seconds, displays my picture (from Contacts) and my name and then resumes.
3-1-2006 13:58:46 Loaded font:font16 height:16 texture:512x512 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: CAPI command: 0x02 / 0x82
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: Buffer: (10)(161)35zzzzzzz(11)(33)(131)65zzzzzzz(0)(0)(3)(128)(144)(163)(0)(0)(4)
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: stripped 0 leading zeros
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: CalledID: 35zzzzzzz
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: CallerID: 65zzzzzzz
3-1-2006 14:00:29 Outlook exception: Array index out of bounds.
3-1-2006 14:00:29 ISDN: Incoming call from Rzzz Bzzzz (unknown, the Netherlands / +31 (I) 65zzzzzzz)
3-1-2006 14:00:29 Texturemanager loaded temporay:Thumbs\yac\text-message.jpg 111x148 format:X8R8G8B8
3-1-2006 14:00:29 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\yac\text-message.jpg total:6 mem left:294649856
3-1-2006 14:00:29 window:MediaPortal.Dialogs.GUIDialogNotify init
3-1-2006 14:00:29 Loaded font:font10 height:13 texture:256x256 chars:[32-256] miplevels:1
3-1-2006 14:00:29 dx9 re-entrant
3-1-2006 14:00:41 dx9 re-entrant
Hope this can be fixed, for now I have to disable the ISDN plugin.