Issue with a PCI card being redetected by Windows on each reboot (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
October 26, 2011
Hi all,

I'm currently using two identical Peak DVB-T dual tuners in my MediaPortal machine. The two cards function fine, and all four tuners are working fine and dandy.

The issue I'm having is with the second card being 'redetected' by Windows each time I reboot. By that I mean it finds it as a new device, reinstalls the drivers and presumable enumerates it again. This causes issues in MediaPortal (or any other HTPC software) since it thinks it's a new card and then adds it to the list of tuners again. This then means I need to reassign it to the right transmitter, map the channels and so on.

The TV cards are both fine. If I run them on their own, they both survive a reboot no problem. It's only when I use both of them at the same time that one of them is redetected. I have tried a Windows re-install so I doubt it's software, or at least not a Windows problems.

(Before anyone suggests it -- I can't try different slots as the motherboard only has two :D)
(Also, am using the latest drivers and have tried with Win7-32 and Win7-64)

So really, the issue boils down the the hardware. Has anyone experienced and issue with a PCI card or other device being detected 'as new' each time Windows starts, and if so, how did they solve it?

Any pointers much appreciated. Happy to elaborate if there's any confusion :)

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Think the issue kicks in because these are usb tuners set on a pci card, one usb controller (VIA think) stays connected, the other one has to be reinitialised to not conflict with first controller, wonder if assigning a different IRQ in BIOS to each card would work.

    My Peak dual works fine with my T500 and they are both the same design as in usb tuners, but the controllers are different on the two cards, so no conflict happens.


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  • September 1, 2008
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    Hi and welcome PJBonoVox :)

    This is definitely a Windows or Peak driver issue. You could try to write a devcon script that disables one of the tuners just before shutdown and re-enables it and then starts TV Server 30 seconds after boot (after the other tuner instance has been assigned a PCI device path). That may help to ensure a consistent device path to the tuner.


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