Judder or stutter while playing MKV in MP but not in MPC or WMP... (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
December 20, 2007
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United States of America United States of America
EDIT: *FIXED* My new WD 1TB drive cannot be used as a boot drive... Can be used to play media but not boot windows.. See last post

I have been using Mediaportal for a while and upon reinstalling and upgrading to MP1.0 I get a fair amount of judder in MKV files that have long panning scenes. I cannot recal seeingit before, but it may have alwyas been there. This is covered a lot in other threads referring to reclock and refresh rates, however I only have this issue in Mediaportal itself. Media Player Classic and Windows Media Player can play the exact same file with no judder at all..

I typically use only the Haali splitter and ffdshow but I have also tried CoreAVC. I have tried EVR (no help) every option I can see in all the various advanced tabs and for Video and DirectShow rendering with virtually no change...

The only clue that I can see is that when I use the OSD for ffdshow the CPU seems about 10%-15% higher in MP than other applications and there is typically a CPU spike to 100% when there is a stutter in the video... The stutter is very regular (every 2 seconds or so, sometimes more often) and happens at exactly the same point in any given video. For example there is scene in a recording that I have where the camera pans past a roof top. In media portal the exact same stutter happens at the exact some place every time I watch the video. In media player classic, the exact same video with all the same codecs shows no stutter...

Any ideas?


Portal Member
December 20, 2007
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United States of America United States of America

AMD Athlon 3500+ (Single core 2.2Ghz)
nVidia 7300le PCIE video card
Asus MB with nVidia 8200 Chipset
Windows XP SP3
Nohting but MediaPortal, ffdshow and Haali splitter installed
on 1TB WD "green" SATA drive

Using SPDIF audio on Via HD on-board sound

Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    The mkv's you are talking about, i take it they are SD not HD formats, as the 7300 just would not handle it (had one).

    Make sure you have the correct drivers installed for your motherboard (disk or website), do not rely on windows to do this correctly.


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2007
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    Actually the MKVs are HD, (1280x720) and they play just fine in Media Player Classic... Just for testing purposes I removed the 7300LE and am using the 8200 IGP (on board graphics...) and installed the MPC-HC stuff to offload all the processing to the video card.

    When I use MPC-HC to play an HD MKV I use about 1% CPU but when I use Mediaportal I am still using 20% CPU... AND (very unfortunately) I still have stuttering in exactly the same place in the test file, but only in Mediaportal...

    So CPU does not appear to be the issue...

    I even just did a test where i used MPC as the external video player, and strangely enough got the stuttering as well.. Something about Mediaportal is causing stuttering in video regardless of what engine splaying the video file...

    I'm kinda stumped... But I do appreciate the quick response!


    Portal Member
    December 26, 2008
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    Have you tried setting media portal to use MPC-HC's "MPCVideoDecoder" codec for h.264/AVC, so you get hardware decoding in MP, like you're obviously getting in MPC-HC?

    You're always going to get some stutter in slow panning shots with 23.976 .mkv files in any case, unless you have your monitor set to a multiple of 24hz (even then, ReClock still helps to smooth out the 23.976/24.000 difference).


    Portal Member
    December 20, 2007
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    Zarathrustra - Yep, once I saw that CPU might be an issue I moved tot eh MPC-HC setup and saw my CPU stable around 20% durring playback with no chnage in the stutter.

    As for for a littler Judder in playback, I realize that's is inevitable with the 23.976/24.000 difference however what is driving me crazy is that there is no problem using any other media player (while using all the same codecs and filters) other then Mediaportal right now... MPC and Windows media Player have no stutter.

    Paranoid Delusion

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  • June 13, 2005
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    Asus motherboard, make sure you have none of their software installed besides drivers, also see if cool'n'quiet being turned off makes a difference.


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  • October 28, 2008
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    It's probably worth using GraphStudio (i.e. connect to remote graph) to check that MP actually is using the video decoder you select - it will fall back to normal DirectShow merit selection if it can't make the preferred decoder work.

    If it is using the MPC-HC deocder, open up the MPC-HC filter property page (in GraphStudio) while it's running to check if it's actually using DXVA. I think that to get hardware acceleration for H264 you may need to be using EVR.



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  • December 6, 2007
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    if you have different CPU loads for MPC-HT and MP there is an issue with the used codec (maybe different) or DXVA (maybe unabled). Check out the loaded codec with Graphedit. Further DXVA can be broken because of DirectVobSub. Maybe MPC does not load it but MP does. You see if it is loaded or not in Graphedit also.

    If you sorted this out and still have judder then give ReClock a try. There is a good guide here https://forum.team-mediaportal.com/codecs-external-players-55/guide-stutter-free-playback-reclock-45834/ to set it up.

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