Link to New Downloads? (1 Viewer)


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  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    The Home Page and Repository both list New Downloads, which is fantastic! But, development in the MP community is so fast I can't keep up! Many times a download has disappeared from the New Downloads list before I even see it!

    Is there a link somewhere where I can access a 'full' list of New Downloads? Or could a link be added to the New Downloads title? For performance sake it could list by month - selectable by user. Of course, that depends if the Repository supports that!

    Is there a way in the Repository to list all downloads by submit date? I'm not suggesting adding that just wondering if I missed it

    Or is my best bet to use RSS for Recent Files (although I think it only shows the last six)?


  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 31, 2004
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    Germany Germany
    hi dadeo,
    sort by submit date is only possible within a folder, not for the whole repo.
    But as 'requested':
    For a long list check this new URL please. Its set to last 50 items atm (linked below plugins&extentions).
    That one was already implemented for the renewed homepage but as that will still take some time...its added now.
    I even expaned the rss-lists to 50 items/90 days instead of 6/30.


    Docs Group Manager
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 26, 2006
    Himalayas, India
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    Canada Canada
    AWESOME High, Thanks! That was MUCH more than I expected ! It's perfect. It will be great to have it on the renewed home page as well, when that is done, as I am sure more users will see it there.

    I added the RSS feed for Recent Files to MP (using Infoservice to have them on my Home screens). It already updated to the new list with 50 items! So with just a click in MP I can see all the latest downloads! :D

    However, I had to find and download the MP logo manually. I'm not complaining, I just like to see MP promoted in every possible way :) I used the RSS link on the main Plugins/Extensions page as there wasn't one on the new Latest Downloads page.

    BTW, I can use the Extensions Plugin in MP to sort all MPI downloads by date. Didn't think of that before, but your list includes all downloads not just MPI!

    You are sure setting the bar pretty HIGH for user support aren't you!

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