Local MP: country sub forums (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
February 4, 2005
Bergen, Norway
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Hi i have a quistion, would it be posible to make a sub forum for every country

So that people from Holland can talk about local setings and problems

your country > europe >
> germany
> holland
> norway
> ect. ect.

> z-america >
> brazil
> peru
> ect. ect.

> asia > ect. ect.

ore people could set in there user CP what country's they want to see
ore it could be linked to what location u set

I think it could be verry help full if people could do this to help out whit local problems

here is a example what i mean http://www.clublexus.com/forums/
thre you can klick on the model you have and then klck on the generation you have
I dont no how flexible vBulletin is in somting like this but it would be nice


Portal Pro
January 15, 2005
Home Country
Cyprus Cyprus
I'm just an observer here.. but i think this would lead to more unresolved problems

Because what a user thinks that is a local problem could actually be a more generic one, and someone else could fix it that is more expert at that area

I think we have a lot of forums as is.. and MP is not locale-specific (apart from Weather and some language xml files) to justify this forum classification (IMO as always :))


Portal Pro
February 4, 2005
Bergen, Norway
Home Country
Netherlands Netherlands
Na i was more thinking in the line off

Cable and DVB settings
local wheather settings

people that have problems whit english

things that are realy local


Portal Pro
April 26, 2006
Home Country
Greece Greece
I am Greek yet I disagree with regional subforums.

Maybe a generic "foreigners here" could be created but ONLY for people with real problem reading/writing english.


Portal Pro
May 7, 2006
Home Country
England England
I have to agree with moullas. I think it is better to get a mix of people views and ideas. There are ideas and pointers from from around the globe that can be applied to any region.


Portal Pro
April 26, 2006
Home Country
Greece Greece
Maybe so, yet, the problem there is not separate subforum, but to find other people from your (or any) country.

I am sure the ops would forgive a topic like "Norwegian users: what weather settings you use?" (they have allowed it before anyway).

I think a simple subforum: "Non-english speakers and locale related problems here" is enough. It can help keep things a bit cleaner, it will help NOT to encourage a major split in MP community (I even disagree with the existanse of German and French independent fora I heard, since what those people discover can be useful here and the opposite).

Such a subforum would help people that really don't understand English (very few tech-oriented people today) make their questions, with local languages allowed (per thread of course).

But nothing more. Go and see ffdshow forum... it has a subforum for 10-15 countries/languages. Most of them are empty and those that are not, have 2-3 messages. It only helps cluttering the forum tree (in fact this branch is probably the longest and the least active - together).


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  • December 26, 2004
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    settings for localisations i.e MyWeather, EPG,c ect. should be placed and maintained in the wiki, not in a forum.

    Genreally speaking it would be possible to create such a multilingual forum structure, i have been thinking about it myselve quite a few times.
    but my thoughs/theories always got to a point where it became obvious that it wont work out perfectly.


    Portal Pro
    February 4, 2005
    Bergen, Norway
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Long time sins i posted in this tread but still wane make the argument that it not a bad idea :)

    settings for localisations i.e MyWeather, EPG,c ect. should be placed and maintained in the wiki, not in a forum.

    I agree whit you on that BUT on the other hand the forum is mouths more accessible then the wiki

    And in a land sub forum you can also have towns/village were people can place the frequency for that place
    but yeah up's and down's on the idea still "I" think more up's

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