Logitech Z Cinema Remote and Media Portal (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
February 16, 2009
Home Country
Switzerland Switzerland

I recently bought a Z Cinema sound system from Logitech, this kit comes with an apparently MCE compatible remote control. But at the moment I can't make it work.

I just wanted to know if this plugin could help me to achieve that?


New Member
March 27, 2009
I have bought the Z Cinéma too and it works a little with MP.
I can scroll true the menu but the play and stop and pauze, etc buttons do not work

I have played a bit with the settings for remote control, but i cant seem to find the solution.
Could someone tell me, or give me a hint where to look to get this working?


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  • October 17, 2006
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    I'm not familiar with the Z cinema system (googled it and find it sleek looking) . Some IR commands (volume, mute, ...) should go to the sound system and others to the HTPC to control MP? Would you expect the sound system to ignore the MP commands and visa versa?

    I have an HP MCE remote controlling MP and a Z5500 sound system. But the sound system is also controlled through the HTPC. To do this I use a blaster output from my HTPC and fitted the bug (IR emitter) inside (not required, but it looks good) the Z5500 controller.

    To make this work I use HIP (search for HIP ByRemote) and the message plug-in. Most keys are mapped to MP messages to control MP, but the audio related ones are mapped to the blaster (to blast codes learned from the Z5500 remote) to control the audio system. HIP also has a schedular that I have programmed to power the Z5500 up and down together with the HTPC. This works great.

    The IR server can do the same thing for you. I tried it but went back to using HIP in combination with just the message plugin (also from And81). I find HIP much simpler to configure and more reliable.

    Maybe this helps you on the way.



    Portal Member
    February 16, 2009
    Home Country
    Switzerland Switzerland
    I tired using
    HIP but I got a runtime error 216 when launching it :( I'm working on Vista 64bits

    For info I managed to do what I wanted with the Z Cinema remote. I simply used EventGhost and used the plugin HID device, it automatically detected my Z Cinema remote and then I simply mapped my HID commands to mediaportal actions.


    Portal Member
    July 17, 2009
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    @ Leodido

    could you please give mit a little FAQ to get the remot working with MP?

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