Look In Folders (1 Viewer)


Portal Pro
July 30, 2006
OK, I might be missing something simple here, but can i get MP to "look in folders".
i.e. Only list the files in the folders. but not list the folder. Example is, I have a directory that has many folders. Inside the each folder is a music video. I want "My Videos" plugin only to list the video files.



Portal Pro
July 30, 2006
I'm guessing you mean Setup>Movies>Movie views ?
I've had a bit of a play around in there, but can not see a way to list only the files and not the folders :(


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  • June 2, 2006
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    - In configuration you add the folder you have youre movies.
    - Start MP.
    - Go to My movies.
    - Set the view to "shares"
    - Browse to the movie file.
    - Press on the info button, so you get a window with diferent options.
    - Choose IMBD and then follow the wizzard.
    - When you have added all you movies you can change the view to "Title".
    Now all you movies are listed with there covers.

    You can also do a search in the configuration in the whole movie folder. But in my experiens this does not work very good, if you dont have named all the files correct and if the movie divided in several files.

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