I've read FAQ, tried searching
There's an important question i have.
I'm trying to build a player-only HTPC, full remote control (no mouse/keyboard).
And there's a need to organize my files.
For example, i bring some video on USB drive. When i connect it, i have to copy/move that file into "my videos" folder.
And when i've watched it, i need to move it to some subfolder in my collection: for example, "drama", "action" etc.
I've seen "My files" specific actions setup in MP Configuration/General/Keys and sounds/Windows. There are "copy/move item" functions that i need.
But i can't find "My files" window in Mediaportal. What's wrong here?
Please give an advice - what's the best way to have the file operations in MP.
I've read FAQ, tried searching
There's an important question i have.
I'm trying to build a player-only HTPC, full remote control (no mouse/keyboard).
And there's a need to organize my files.
For example, i bring some video on USB drive. When i connect it, i have to copy/move that file into "my videos" folder.
And when i've watched it, i need to move it to some subfolder in my collection: for example, "drama", "action" etc.
I've seen "My files" specific actions setup in MP Configuration/General/Keys and sounds/Windows. There are "copy/move item" functions that i need.
But i can't find "My files" window in Mediaportal. What's wrong here?
Please give an advice - what's the best way to have the file operations in MP.