MediaPortal + BeyondTV + Firefly Remote (1 Viewer)


New Member
September 26, 2006
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United States of America United States of America
Hi everybody! As the title says, I'm interested in using MediaPortal as a front-end for BeyondTV. I love the plug-in architecture of MediaPortal and the sheer functionality makes it a good candidate to work alongside BeyondTV and avoid purchasing Snapstream's Beyond Media product. However, I think BeyondTV trumps MediaPortal in the PVR arena, although I do hope that one day that statement is false. MP is a great product already and has the potential to be the MythTV of Windows.

I've searched the forums and I've read some very helpful posts on how to configure the Firefly remote as a standard X10 remote using a custom config file and it has worked well for using MP with the Firefly remote. However, I have not found the correct way to use the Firefly remote for BOTH MediaPortal and BeyondTV. Let me explain--

If I use the standard X10 drivers from Snapstream for the Firefly remote, and do not load the Beyond Media system tray applet, MP works great with the remote. However, when I then launch BTV from within MP using the EasyApps plugin, Firefly remote does NOTHING in BTV. (Note: I have BTV configured to use Firefly remote). If I then go ahead and load the Firefly system tray app, Firefly can control BTV but MP gets hosed (by "hosed", I mean I get double actions for every button press).

Does anyone know the proper way to set this up with the Firefly remote? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Unfortunately, you can't talk about this on the BTV forums because they forbid mention of other products :rolleyes:

Thanks in advance and keep up the great work! :)


New Member
January 23, 2007
I am trying to use the same setup. The problem is likely that you have your remote defined within MP to use X10 (and it works that way pretty well). Instead of using BM Basic to manage your Firefly, try LM Remote Keymap.

You have to download the driver for the Firefly (available on the site below) as well as the LM Remote Keymap software. Be sure to download the Firefly version and not the Firefly mini. As well, read through the page, it will tell you how to set everything up. You'll want to setup a profile for MP within LM Remote Keymap, but its note entirely necessary as the default profile works well.

You'll need to do is to disable your remote in MP. Let LM Remote Keymap run everything and there shouldn't be any conflicts. Also you might want to change the General Settings in MP to not hide the taskbar in fullscreen. When closing using the top right X on your Firefly, something isn't triggered and your taskbar disappears.

Finally you'll want to edit the default profile in LM Remote Keymap to bring up Media Portal when you press the firefly button.

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