MediaPortal.exe won't die? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
March 3, 2008
I don't know if this is something that is included in the coming "fix", but at least on my system, mediaportal.exe process (1.0.1) refuses to die whenever exiting mediaportal. When I exit the program and look for running processes, I see mediaportal there, and it constantly takes about 50% of CPU time. When I close the process, watchdog jumps up telling me that mediaportal crashed.

This is very frustrating, because after existing I can't re-start mediaportal before I kill the process manually.

I didn't see this being one of the fix issues, but perhaps it's related to this whole admin thing (vista 64bit), which is also stopping tv-service from automatically starting.


Portal Member
March 3, 2008
Yep, thanks. It seems to be Moving pictures. Maybe there has been some fix (new version) that I haven't noticed.

Nevertheless, i think i will do a fresh install after the release of 1.0.2 just to make sure that everything is okay and up-to-date. I currently also have one very strange problem, the plugins-menu is not functioning properly. The item selected in the menu (regardless of the skin) is off by 2, i.e. if i select sudoku, MP opens (which happens to be two places up in the menu). Maybe i have edited some file manually during 1.0 and that's why it's messed up, can't really remember because i don't really use plugins menu.

One more reason to do fresh install, user errors need to be cleaned :)

Paranoid Delusion

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    I'm using the version of MovingPictures that's installed with StreamedMP, think that's pretty much the latest.

    One more reason to do fresh install, user errors need to be cleaned

    Always good :D

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