MediaPortal SVN-Snapshot: 01-15-2008 05-04h - Revision:17044 (1 Viewer)


Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
These Subversion-snaps are compiled at about 01.00h (CET).
You can also visit the official irc-channel (#mediaportal) to get a notice when its ready for download. The trigger !svn gives you the latest update too.
They are not pre-tested, so please use the backup option from time to time.
If you'd like the bleeding edge code and don't mind the inherent risks, upgrade to the snapshot releases as they become available.
If stability is important to you, you might want to stay with the fully-tested releases.

How to install MediaPortal SVN-Snapshots in short:
1) Install MediaPortal, not necessary if already done
2) install .NET Framework Version 2.0
3) Run the Snapshot-Installer. You should create a backup.
4) Run Configure. Sometimes the settings and database versions change from build to build, so you have to reconfigure your TV for example
5) Hopefully enjoy the new version
6) If not, restore your old files and you will have the former version back.

Important notice: The backup function wont work for Vista atm, here you need to save your configuration manually. A rewrite is planned but will take some more time for testing.



Worlds greatest bot!
March 26, 2007
Home Country
Germany Germany
Changelog since last snapshot:

Core 14/01/2008 [18:52:22] rtv added: fixed and cleaned up misleading log messages regarding VMR / EVR and exclusive mode
tvplugin 14/01/2008 [21:56:27] gibman added: playing back a live (still ongoing) TV recording would stop prematurely.
tvserver 14/01/2008 [22:11:44] Bavarian added: fixing bug 1144: Conflicts warning window: One conflicting schedule for a new series schedule: No entry to db.
tvserver 14/01/2008 [22:12:08] Bavarian added: fixing bug 1121: canceling of Recording not working
ConflictManager 14/01/2008 [22:13:04] Bavarian added: time improovement for everytime schedules
tvserver 14/01/2008 [22:20:09] Bavarian added: fixing bug 1133: Conflicts exclamation mark not shown in MyTV-"Scheduled
MyMovies 14/01/2008 [23:55:52] rtv added: fixed movie thumbs for database views - now actors and genre are explicitly looked up.

===> click here to download <===

This thread is open to everyone to provide feedback for this particular snapshot.
If you found or confirm a bug please still open a single thread with full details in the Bugsection


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    rtv: The movie thumbs are still low res. if created from within MediaPortal. The IMDB created folder.jpg's I mean. But this (fixed movie thumbs for database views) isn't supposed to fix that?



    Portal Pro
    June 5, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    All DVB-C channels of Germany (KabelBW) are not indicated (nivideo/noaudio detect), except ARD, ZDF.

    2008-01-15 10:58:12.953125 [ERROR][18]: Planescene(720,576,1024,576,97578496,True,6):Unhan dled exception in Fehler in der Anwendung. Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D bei Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.Device.BeginScene()
    bei MediaPortal.Player.PlaneScene.InternalPresentSurfa ce(Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 arWidth, Int32 arHeight, Boolean InRepaint)



    Portal Pro
    April 21, 2007
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    rtv: The movie thumbs are still low res. if created from within MediaPortal. The IMDB created folder.jpg's I mean. But this (fixed movie thumbs for database views) isn't supposed to fix that?


    It's suppose to make genre thumbs work again. Along with actor images I guess.. Haven't gotten around to test this yet tho, I'll have a look in the morning. Thx again rtv.


    Portal Member
    January 8, 2008
    Home Country
    Canada Canada
    If I try to go from Radio (Shoutcast stream, using Visualizations (BASS Engine)) to TV nothing happens. The radio stream keeps playing and the visualization keeps running (Milkdrop2 visualization).

    If I start TV when I first enter MP, it works fine. I can then go to radio and start a shoutcast stream and I get the visualizations, but if I try to go back, I get the behaviour outlined above.

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