!!!Mediaportal Team needs testers!!! (1 Viewer)

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Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    One of the design goals for Mediaportal Beta 2 is stability
    This means we want Mediaportal to be more stable.
    I hope you noticed that already some steps are taken,
    but we need more testers in the MediaPortal team

    If you would like to help us test MediaPortal then read on

    The idea is that a tester will be responsible for a specific plugin
    like my music or my videos or the foobar plugin or....

    The tester will test his plugin once a week and report any bugs
    found in Mantis.

    (he will get access for this)

    The tester has access to a special FTP server which contains the
    daily compiled CVS build.

    He can use these CVS builds for testing

    The testers each maintain a test plan for their plugin.
    This testplan describes each test the testers do and what the expected results are. This testplan will be maintained in the Wiki.

    On a weekly basis the MediaPortal team will look at all bugs
    They will give each bug a classification (easy to solve, moderate to solve, hard to solve) then we decide which bugs are fixed next.

    The overall plan is that bugs should be solved within 2 weeks

    When this is working, the Mediaportal team will make a new
    stable-release every 1st weekend of the month

    Interestted in becoming a Mediaportal tester?
    contact Frodo or MrMario64



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    List of new testers so far (we can use more!!!)
    vbgeezer : My TV/PVR350+Winfast2000
    AsiDie : My TV/SS2 USA
    Harley : My TV/SS2 Europe
    Jason : My TV/PVR 250
    psycon : My TV/sw encoding card
    yaniv : My TV/sw encoding card
    tebis : My Music
    chili : my videos
    QCO : My Mail
    Paulh : My Pictures
    wishywashy : unknown
    clayd333 : unknown
    zoidberg : unknown
    nox_online : unknown

    We need > 1 tester for My TV because of the different card types:
    - SS2
    - BDA DVB-T
    - BDA DVB-C
    - BDA DVB-S
    - analog s/w
    - analog h/w

    But we need more people!!



    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • December 6, 2004
    I can test myVideos, or analog S/W cards, would prefer the first though


    Portal Member
    November 29, 2004
    I'm interested

    I dont know if I can help

    I'm using MP on a laptop (Fujitsu) Pentium 933Mh
    Windows XP Pro in French
    with an WinTV PVR USB2

    Ask if required :)
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