MediaPortal Trends On Goggle (1 Viewer)


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    United States of America United States of America
    I'd just like to see the chart continously grow. Currently the trend appears to be stangnant for 2006. I don't understand what "no data available" means. I think more people need to get the word out to digg and other sites which help drive google and other search engines.


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  • February 23, 2005
    Tulsa, OK
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    United States of America United States of America
    I checked digg ( and found out that Mediaportal has been reported there. The problem was that the number of "diggs" has been very small (only a mention 445 days ago withe 740 diggs is substantial and another 711 days ago with 636 diggs) the majority of reports are on the order of 2-18 diggs. There were three that had 113, 178 & 182 diggs, but the remainder where in the teens. Not many hits and only 21 digg articles. Not sure where else to make the name of MediaPortal known and to get a wider exposure with awareness to the general public.


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  • August 9, 2005
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    Scotland Scotland
    Good to see some software that isn't domonated by the US.
    what kind of comment is that?
    Sorry, i should have expanded on that :)

    When i started looking into building a PVR with MythTV (hadn't found MP at that point), it was very US cerntric so getting it set up for UK viewing was a lot more difficult, because most of the guides out there were geared towards the US (ie. PVR-150/350/500 cards and STBs). Things have changed though, DVB-T is more widely supported in all the Media Center platforms as far as i can tell. We also don't have to deal with horrible work arounds because of the whole PAL/NTSC complications.

    Thats what i meant by being domonated by the US :)

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