Mediaportal... what has happened to you? (2 Viewers)

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Portal Member
April 27, 2006
I used to run mediaportal 1.3 ages ago. Some of you may remember me, when the software card support was dropped and my card stopped working I left and went to meedio.
Now that meedio has shut down and I have rebuilt my HTPC I thought I would give Mediaportal a second chance. After all, you are up to version 2.2 now right?
Well, let me catalog my night.
Downloaded 2.2, attempted install. Unfortunately I didnt have win installer 3.1, and as my htpc isnt connected to the net, I went to my main and downloaded it from MS.
I installed installer 3.1 onto my htpc, then attempted install again. I got an error message from mediaportal saying my windows installer 3.1 was already installed, and I need to remove it from add/remove programs to install it.
Read that part again.
So yeah, I dont know what the hell is going on there but that isnt going to happen.
So I try going back, to 2.1.
Need dotnet, need installer 1.x and 2.x or whatever. A few hours later they are installed.
Attempt to install mediaportal 2.1. Installed. HOORAY! Attempted to run tv setup.
Ok, so I update the drivers for my dvbt 300 from the net instead of the cd, which apparently fixes this.

So I have wasted 4 hours to discover, again, that mediaportal still doesnt work. After about a year of development.
Seriously guys, what are you doing? The sheer amount of 3rd party software required to run this is absolutely laughable. What, you cant code a self installing app without ms help?
You guys have gone backwards, and mediaportal is utterly pathetic in its current stage. You still dont have a modular menu, and spending all your energies on trying to get the TV tuners working again after you broke them in 1.3
The best bit of advice you can get, and what you need to hear is: LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKES AND START AGAIN.
With the lack of meedio, you guys have a chance at really getting some serious userbase.
We need a good stable HTPC frontend with a modular main menu. Go back to your roots! XBMC was the way! It worked so well, it was so advanced! now you give us this rancid bloatware that loses functionality with each release... I just dont understand.
Its obvious you are having a lot of trouble with making a good tv engine. JUST USE THE DSCALER BACKEND. Forget trying to code one, its not your forte. You need to concentrate on and make a good modular frontend that is plugin driven.
We want a menu that has the basics (tv, video, music, pictures) which each being its own configurable plugin. If we dont like to have one there, disable it, and install another.
I really hope you guys can see the hole you have dug yourself into. Mediaportal could have been great, but you have basicly done the windows vista version of the mediacenter. Massive failure guys.


MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Wales Wales
    No offence, but it seems most of your issues are down to your Windows Install not being up-to-date and missing .Net. It is hardly a MediaPortal issue. From the sound of it you didnt update windows and install .NET before attempting the install.

    The only MediaPortal error you got was : UNABLE TO CREATE GRAPH ERROR

    If your windows install was up to date, and you had .NET installed also (which isnt much to ask as .NET is pretty much required for all newer apps) you wouldnt have had any issues.

    You mention the "sheer" amount of third party software required - care to let us know what that is - if im not mistaken the only third party software it reccomends you installl is the filter/scaler during the install process.

    I realise that you spent a few hours messing with MP, and that it was all quite stressful, but in the end its hardly a MP issue, throusands of people ere have installed it with none of the problems you have, so dont go slagging off the hard work of the developers.

    Of course, if you are a developer, or know better, then im sure they would appreciate your help!

    So, calm down, update windows, and try again. :cool:


    Portal Pro
    May 22, 2006
    Home Country
    United Kingdom United Kingdom
    interesting comments.

    hope you enjoy using the solution you decide to use. it clearly isn't going to be mediaportal or meedio.


    Portal Pro
    September 6, 2006
    Nantes, FR
    you could have moved out to MCE w\out posting such a harsh note, peacefully.
    BTW I can't get the meaning/purpose of such a post. To blindly take it out on Mediaportal?


    MP Donator
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  • February 1, 2007
    The Sauce of Worcester
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    Wales Wales
    He/She is obviously annoyed because they couldnt get it to install - so instead of simple asking what they were doing wrong they decide to go on a rant about how its wful, and then starts to generalise and say "we" as if he is talking for all of us.

    Dont know about you. but all i did was install XP, install the updates, installl MP - perfect.


  • Team MediaPortal
  • December 21, 2005
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    Norway Norway
    1. Complain to MS about Windows errors
    2. Get your money back for your purchase of MediaPortal
    3. Forget about #2 - since MP is FREE!
    4. Take something that makes you relax - I recommend Valium
    5. Read the Wiki - also the part about supported hardware.
    6. If you need help: Ask for support in the forums. ASK - don't demand! The marvelous MP-team will probably help you.


    Retired Team Member
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  • December 26, 2004
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    well every 2-4weeks we have such threads, nothing new. ;)

    first step should always be to read the -->manual<-- and the -->requirements<--

    if something doesn work we have a nice -->FAQ<-- and -->UserGuides<--

    if its still not working, we have supportforums here :)

    on the other hand, i think that starting threads like this only has 2 possible reasons:
    1. the threadstarter is not interested in getting help. he just wants to write something which should upset the reader(s) and then he gets exited about the replies.
    2. the user is too lazy to read the manual,faq , userguides, the forums or to start a proper support request. its better to blame the software for his own laziness. :p


    Portal Pro
    January 26, 2005
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    The following is not intended to one special person:

    The fact that you don't like what the original writer posted doesn't give you the right to break forum rules. You should keep in mind that such offences won't be tolerated here.

    (Chenks: point taken, thread cleaned)
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