MediaPortal with IPTV (5 Viewers)


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March 7, 2024
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I guess this would be a good startingpoint: Scan DVB - IP

Edit: and yes its possible
startingpoint: Scan DVB - IP doesn't give a simple way to use xstream code...
For sometime I've use mediaportal tvlive with an m3u file but now the provider only give acces to his service throughout xstream code
I've try a android tv box that's really simple to use with xstream code with auto update livetv, epg and vod....
So please explain howto have those feature active in mediaplayer config....
Many thanks ;)


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  • Team MediaPortal
  • September 27, 2009
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    I'm not at all familiar with xstream (or is it xtream?) codes... if it's not an m3u8 file I'm afraid it won't work with mediaportal...


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  • August 17, 2014
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    @mywayfr1 It works in online videos if you add it in. It's not as convenient as other players and it does not provide a guide but it's a good option if don't like changing apps when you want to watch. Not sure about vod since I don't have it.

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