Mediastream / StreamedMP proposition (1 Viewer)


Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    I use both skins (for testing mostly) and like them both for different reasons. However trying to skin plugins you miss and so on is very difficult since the media files are
    a) somewhat different or
    b) naming is different

    I propose that some sort of bridge between these two skins are created i.e. that the media file names gets standardized. This way, when you create a plugin .xml for StreamedMP, you can just drop it in your Mediastream folder and change a few position lines to have a working .xml complete with the CORRECT media files.

    I'm aware of the fact that some of the media files differ in size between the two skins, so "duplicates" in different size would be necessary, but these are small files after all.

    Thanks for your great skins!


    MP Donator
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  • December 10, 2007
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    Austria Austria
    I would suggest that the devs of the 2 skins come together and work all on one version!!


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Ghehehe... This has been suggested a couple of times before (the working together in one version). I dont see this happening soon. Both developers have good reasons to keep their own version. Its going to be like it is now.

    The suggestion from empathic is a good one. Its Easier for pluginwriters. And all plugins support created for one version is automatically also available for the other version. And if an owner of the skin isnt really happy with the looks of a plugin, they can always modify it to their own wishes. The bulk is already there then.


    Community Skin Designer
    April 6, 2007
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
    The difficult part is giving all textures good names. And who has the time for that? :D


    Design Group
  • Team MediaPortal
  • August 25, 2006
    Home Country
    Sweden Sweden
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    • #6
    The difficult part is giving all textures good names. And who has the time for that? :D

    I understand what you mean. If I had the time, I would create a document with the files that are similar in appearence but differ in size (I mean file size, not dimensions) and those who share the same name yet aren't the same.

    If both skins would have had access to the original files with no renaming of them, this would have been much easier. :D


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