Memory leak in latest build (1 Viewer)


Retired Team Member
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  • September 12, 2005
    Has anyone else noticed a huge memory leak in the latest build?
    When I woke up this morning Media Portal was using 758 MB of RAM and had consumed 1 hour and 15 minutes of CPU time since 3 AM this morning.


    Portal Pro
    May 13, 2005
    Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    I noticed it also it's in todays and yesterday cvs build. I sitch back to acvs from a week ago (just had that one on my harddrive)
    After startup today my system was running out of memory and task manager showed mp with 800MB+.


    Portal Pro
    November 6, 2005
    Home Country
    Netherlands Netherlands
    Same problem here..... switching back to older CVS.....
    running out of memory LOL


    Retired Team Member
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  • September 12, 2005
    I think I may have found what caused the problem on my system at least. I deleted the task for updating the tv guide and now MP doesn't seem to leak memory anymore.


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2004

    I'm experiencing the exact same thing. It seems that while updating the tvguide (with WebEPG in my case) MP gets into a race condition. Some extracts from the log:

    7-1-2006 6:55:01 WebEPG: TimeZone Not valid
    7-1-2006 7:16:07 SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'NET5'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060105071600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060109071600')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060105071600' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060109071600' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060105071600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060109071600') ) order by iStartTime
    It seems the message "database schema has changed" is the key, since it's repeated a few times after this. After a little while, the error.log shows:
    7-1-2006 7:29:29 SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:SQL logic error or missing database query:vacuum
    and eventually a:
    7-1-2006 7:57:34 TVDatabase exception err:Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown. stack:   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.set_Capacity(Int32 value)
    Today I began with a clean TVDatabase, to see if corruption of the database might be causing this. We'll see tomorrow. I do however think that this error is caused because some objects in the database have been changed/updated while the tvguide is being updated. Maybe a (multi)threading issue?

    EDIT: All this with CVS version mediaportal-cvs-01-06-2006--01-04

    Kind regards,


    Retired Team Member
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  • November 14, 2004

    It looks like MediaPortal lived through the night :)
    No "OutOfMemoryException", "SQL logic error or missing datbase query" anymore in the error.log. But, I still see the "database schema has changed" errors:
    8-1-2006 6:56:07 SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110065600')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110065600' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110065600') ) order by iStartTime
    8-1-2006 6:56:07 TVDatabase exception err:SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110065600')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110065600' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110065600') ) order by iStartTime stack:   at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ReadpVm(String query, SQLiteResultSet set1, IntPtr pVm)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.GetProgramsPerChannel(String strChannel1, Int64 iStartTime, Int64 iEndTime, List`1& progs) select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110065600')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110065600' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106065600' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110065600') ) order by iStartTime
    8-1-2006 6:56:25 SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from tblEPGMapping where xmltvid like ''
    8-1-2006 6:56:25 TVDatabase exception err:SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from tblEPGMapping where xmltvid like '' stack:   at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ReadpVm(String query, SQLiteResultSet set1, IntPtr pVm)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.GetEPGMapping(String xmlTvId, Int32& idChannel, String& strChannel)
    8-1-2006 7:06:34 WebEPG: TimeZone Not valid
    8-1-2006 7:06:34 WebEPG: ChannelId: [email][/email] grabber error
    8-1-2006 7:06:34 WebEPG: TimeZone Not valid
    8-1-2006 7:51:04 SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110075100')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110075100' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110075100') ) order by iStartTime
    8-1-2006 7:51:04 TVDatabase exception err:SQL:TVDatabaseV21.db3 cmd:sqlite3_step err:ERROR detailed:database schema has changed query:select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110075100')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110075100' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110075100') ) order by iStartTime stack:   at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ThrowError(String statement, String sqlQuery, SqliteError err)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.ReadpVm(String query, SQLiteResultSet set1, IntPtr pVm)
       at SQLite.NET.SQLiteClient.Execute(String query)
       at MediaPortal.TV.Database.TVDatabase.GetProgramsPerChannel(String strChannel1, Int64 iStartTime, Int64 iEndTime, List`1& progs) select * from channel,tblPrograms,genre where genre.idGenre=tblPrograms.idGenre and tblPrograms.idChannel=channel.idChannel and channel.strChannel like 'RTL 4'  and ( (tblPrograms.iEndTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime <='20060110075100')  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime>='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iStartTime <= '20060110075100' )  or (tblPrograms.iStartTime<='20060106075100' and tblPrograms.iEndTime >= '20060110075100') ) order by iStartTime
    (please ignore the WebEPG "grabber error" for ChannelId:, it's known to me and something I need to fix ;))
    So far it seems that at least the race condition is gone since I've recreated the TVDatabase.

    Kind regards,


    Portal Pro
    March 14, 2005
    Hi !

    Is this problem solved already in the latest builds ? I don´t see anything in the changelog .... :D



    Retired Team Member
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  • April 26, 2005
    Perth, Australia
    guys a bit off topic but are you all running VMR7? i think i remember a memory leak occuring with vmr7 (overlay) enabled... if so change to vmr9 and see if that helps




    Portal Pro
    March 14, 2005
    Hi !

    No, I am using VMR9 already. also this leak occurs with no video playing ...


    Portal Pro
    July 5, 2005
    Home Country
    Norway Norway
    Any news on this? I still have this problem with yesterdays build.

    Everything was fine, then memory usage startet raising, from the normal 130mb, and already at 200mb mediaportal startet skipping sound/video, a little later mediaportal was not responding. I've seen it using 7-800MB before then I killed the process.

    Area: Media Portal Program
    MediaPortal Version: RC1 (2005-11-23)
    MediaPortal Skin: BlueTwo
    Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
    .NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
    DirectX Version: (9.0c)
    Audio Codec: InterVideo Audio Decoder
    Video Codec: InterVideo Video Decoder
    CPU Type: AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual Core 3800+
    Memory: 1 GB
    Motherboard: MS-7025
    TV Card Model: Hauppauge PVR 350
    TV Card Type: Hardware
    TV Card Driver: latest
    TV Card Model: FloppyDTV
    TV Card Type: Software/DVB
    TV Card Driver: latest
    Video Card Model: Nvidia Geforce 6600 GT (128 MB)
    Video Card Driver: 81.95
    Video Card Resolution: 1368x768
    Video Render Type: VMR9
    Audio Card Model: Realtek AC'97 Audio
    Audio Card Driver: -

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