Pentium4 2.4GHz (2.4C HT model)
512MB DDR2700 RAM
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
Hauppauge Win TV-Go (PCI TV Tuner) (
I first was using the stable 1.3 release and the memory usage was up to over 700MB Virtual, over 800MB virtual and physical combined.
Right now Im using 2.0 RC1, which I just installed.
Physical is a hash under 200MB, and virtual is a little over 200MB...nearly 400MB of RAM usage...JUST from viewing TV.
Timeshifting is disabled (even though I dont think it should be...oh well).
I have the XMLTV setup for 7 days worth of TV Guide data.
No videos or photos have been imported.
I just run the program. Click "My TV" and turn on the TV. And I just watch the memory soar.
Is it known for this model of TV tuner for the memory usage to soar?
I can use a memory cleaner to clean the physical memory usage...and i can get it under 10 MB, until i start changing channels and such.
The Virtual memory usage just keeps increasing...275MB now...
512MB DDR2700 RAM
ATi Radeon 9800 Pro 128MB
Hauppauge Win TV-Go (PCI TV Tuner) (
I first was using the stable 1.3 release and the memory usage was up to over 700MB Virtual, over 800MB virtual and physical combined.
Right now Im using 2.0 RC1, which I just installed.
Physical is a hash under 200MB, and virtual is a little over 200MB...nearly 400MB of RAM usage...JUST from viewing TV.
Timeshifting is disabled (even though I dont think it should be...oh well).
I have the XMLTV setup for 7 days worth of TV Guide data.
No videos or photos have been imported.
I just run the program. Click "My TV" and turn on the TV. And I just watch the memory soar.
Is it known for this model of TV tuner for the memory usage to soar?
I can use a memory cleaner to clean the physical memory usage...and i can get it under 10 MB, until i start changing channels and such.
The Virtual memory usage just keeps increasing...275MB now...