Dont know if this is the right place to put this question, but I try.
I just wonder how to know what labels, text or what you call it, that you can show in a dialog, the dialog I wonder about is the mini guide, I do want to show when the current program is ending instead of how many percent has been showed of the program, because that doesn't say anything about when the program is ending, you dont now if it's 5 minutes or 30 minutes left when the percent say 50%, because in that window you dont know when the program started, so is there a label that say when the program is ending in that window or is it possible to get that label in there?
Hope that anyone understand what I mean.
Dont know if this is the right place to put this question, but I try.
I just wonder how to know what labels, text or what you call it, that you can show in a dialog, the dialog I wonder about is the mini guide, I do want to show when the current program is ending instead of how many percent has been showed of the program, because that doesn't say anything about when the program is ending, you dont now if it's 5 minutes or 30 minutes left when the percent say 50%, because in that window you dont know when the program started, so is there a label that say when the program is ending in that window or is it possible to get that label in there?
Hope that anyone understand what I mean.