Area: Media Portal Program / Media Portal Skin
MP Version:
Skin: all
Windows Version: Windoes XP Professional SP2
CPU Type: Pentium II 450 Mhz
Memory: 256 MB SDRAM
Motherboard Chipset: Compaq
Video Card: ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Pro AGP
Video Card Driver: ATI Display Driver v6.13.3279.0
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: video codec you used for testing
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Pro AGP
TV Card Type: software / hardware / DVB
TV Card Driver: ATI Display Driver v6.13.3279.0
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References: any reference
Synopsis: The text on menus as well as on the becakgounds disappear after first run- meaning everything works ok after install or after changing skins, then on second run the text are replaced by white blocks. Everything else still seems to work- can still click on the menu items and use the program. How do I attach the screenshot to this post?
MP Version:
Skin: all
Windows Version: Windoes XP Professional SP2
CPU Type: Pentium II 450 Mhz
Memory: 256 MB SDRAM
Motherboard Chipset: Compaq
Video Card: ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Pro AGP
Video Card Driver: ATI Display Driver v6.13.3279.0
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768
Video Render Type: Overlay
Video Codec Type & Version: video codec you used for testing
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: ATI All-in-Wonder 128 Pro AGP
TV Card Type: software / hardware / DVB
TV Card Driver: ATI Display Driver v6.13.3279.0
Optional Log: parts of the "/log/MediaPortal.log" which show an issue
Optional References: any reference
Synopsis: The text on menus as well as on the becakgounds disappear after first run- meaning everything works ok after install or after changing skins, then on second run the text are replaced by white blocks. Everything else still seems to work- can still click on the menu items and use the program. How do I attach the screenshot to this post?