More than 100 episodes ? (1 Viewer)


Portal Member
April 12, 2009
There are some shown in Russia, that don't have season. Instead it have plain numeration of series - i.e. all shows contain one virtual season with more than 100 episodes (currently my favorite show - "Udarnaya Sila" has ~166 episodes, and it grow).
I am trying to make show new show on and fill it with episodes. But when i try to import episodes into "My TVSeries" parsing episodes names was fail. I am try many different naming schemes, but they all fail. So "Udarnaya sila - 1x131 - episod name" was parsed as "Series - Udaranaya sila - 1x", "season 1", "episod 31" and some failure with all over episodes and naming schemes. I think, that plugin "thinks" that episode number can't be more than 99.
But that can I do with show contains more than 100 episodes and no seasons at all ?


Portal Pro
September 29, 2007
Home Country
United States of America United States of America
There are some shown in Russia, that don't have season. Instead it have plain numeration of series - i.e. all shows contain one virtual season with more than 100 episodes (currently my favorite show - "Udarnaya Sila" has ~166 episodes, and it grow).
I am trying to make show new show on and fill it with episodes. But when i try to import episodes into "My TVSeries" parsing episodes names was fail. I am try many different naming schemes, but they all fail. So "Udarnaya sila - 1x131 - episod name" was parsed as "Series - Udaranaya sila - 1x", "season 1", "episod 31" and some failure with all over episodes and naming schemes. I think, that plugin "thinks" that episode number can't be more than 99.
But that can I do with show contains more than 100 episodes and no seasons at all ?

I doubt they would limit the number of episodes to 99 per season as many shows have more then 100 episodes a year such as talk shows.


Portal Member
April 12, 2009
No. This show last more than 7 years, but there is no season. It has plain numbering scheme - from 1 to 167 episode throught all years.
I can add this show to the My TVSerises plugin by hand, using manual importer.


Portal Pro
September 18, 2008
Tel Aviv
Home Country
Israel Israel
try changing the regex rule for the episode from \d or \d\d to \d{1,3} -> this tells it to look for episode numbers
from 1 digit to 3.

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