Most used codecs (1 Viewer)


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  • April 22, 2004
    The Netherlands
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Tips & tricks.

    VOBSUB is a filter for Media Player, which can load and show subtitles (vobsub, ssa, srt, sub, ...)
    into movies being played. Works with ALL players also...

    FFDSHOW is a DirectShow decoding filter for decompressing DivX, XviD, WMV and MPEG-1 movies.
    It uses libavcodec from ffmpeg project for video decompression, postprocessing code
    from mplayer to enhance visual quality of low bitrate movies, and is based on original
    DirectShow filter from XviD, which is GPL'ed educational implementation of MPEG4 encoder.
    this is probably one of the best codec suites out there! so install it

    XviD is an ISO MPEG-4 compliant video codec. It's no product, it's an open source
    project which is developed and maintained by lots of people from all over the world.

    Opensource MPEG-1&2 codec
    Out of the box windows doesnt play mpeg 2 files. You will have to install an mpeg2 codec
    Most people use an mpeg2 codec which comes with programs like WinDVD , PowerDVD or InterVideo
    However those codecs only seem to work on overlay devices, not on VMR9.
    If you want a free opensource mpeg2 codec which really works in all cases then look here:
    GPL MPEG 1&2 codec :

    RadLight Filter Manager:
    This little tool allows you to change merit of DirectShow filters (codecs,parsers,...).
    Each filter is registered with a merit value. When the filter graph manager builds a graph,
    it enumerates all the filters registered with the correct media type. Then it tries them in
    order of merit, from highest to lowest. (It uses additional criteria to choose between filters with equal merit.)
    Using this tool YOU can specify which filters/codecs should b used for playback and which wont

    Directshow filter manager :


    The purpose of ReClock is to definitely get rid of jerky playback of AVI and MPEG material on a PC (or a PC connected to a TV). It's a DirectShow filter which is loaded in place of the default directsound audio renderer.
    It provides a new reference clock that is locked to the video card hardware clock, in order to ensure that frames are played at the exact speed of what is expected by the video card vertical sync.
    It also provides a frame rate adaptator for media files that do not match a multiple of the video card refresh rate (ex: playback of 23,976fps IVTC NTSC on a PAL TV).
    Finally it is an audio renderer with hardware or software rate adaptation in real-time, multi-channel audio, and dynamic range compression capabilities.


    New Member
    February 22, 2005
    wishywashy said:
    I am useing the dscaler mpeg codec and love it! Got rid of any jerkiness and improved quality.

    Dscaler beta mpeg codec

    I have brightness colour problems (whole week now) with codecs on the driver cds.
    It was not possible to change any of the OSD sliders and saving the settings.
    Tried registery tweaks hcwBrightness and others to initialize card settings
    after (too many) reboots. Hauppauge, intervideo, windvd codec not changing picture quality??
    Sliders are in fact changed ??

    Dscaler5 is om my (not yet) htpc also installed but have initialisation issues.

    Start MP (windowed mode) viewing tv very dark and bad picture.
    Configuration settings capture card wizard after finish settings are giving good picture (first time with this card). But ....
    Have no sound with dscaler5 other audio not working also. ??
    When record tv button then immediatelly again bad dark picture quality.
    Had to stop (bad) recording. reinitialise with wizard to give me good picture with no sound.

    So, I'm very very interested in your settings & codecs in the configuration menus for the capture device. Do you have any of these problems.
    Maybe its another codec that is interfering with everything capturing related.
    Could you give me the initialisation file of your whole installation. I think there is one but not know the name and the place it is.

    I tried GPL MPEG 1&2 codec but now my whole tv is screwed up.
    Nothing (TV) works anymore almost black pictures and no sound.
    Then deleted every thing out the registery + program files GPL MPEG 1&2 codec => still same problem.

    I think there is not only a problem with the installation components but also with the order of installation.

    Thanx in advance


    or just a pack of codecs.(butthen be aware that you don't get double or stuff you don't need(like dolby softwaredecoding if you've dts chip.)

    edit: see next post, tomorrow i'll remove kl-codecpack, and will install manually codecs.

    Didn't knew that codecs-packs are unstable garbage.

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