MP Version: 0.2.0RC2 CVS 15.01.2006
Skin: RealMP
Windows Version: xp prof sp2
CPU Type: Celeron 2,4 GHz
Memory: 512MB DDR
Motherboard ASUS P4Pdeluxe
Video Card: Nvidia FX5200
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.5
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR-350
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver: latest version
I noticed that for my latest recordings I have no EPG info or Movie description when starting a recording from video modul.
Starting the same file from myTV-->myrecordings I have all Information.
Starting from myTV-->myrecordings:
Staring the same file from video modul:
I'm starting all my recordings from video modul but now not even movie title is shown.
Skin: RealMP
Windows Version: xp prof sp2
CPU Type: Celeron 2,4 GHz
Memory: 512MB DDR
Motherboard ASUS P4Pdeluxe
Video Card: Nvidia FX5200
Video Card Driver: Catalyst 5.5
Video Render Type: VMR9 renderless
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
TV Card: Hauppauge PVR-350
TV Card Type: Hardware
TV Card Driver: latest version
I noticed that for my latest recordings I have no EPG info or Movie description when starting a recording from video modul.
Starting the same file from myTV-->myrecordings I have all Information.
Starting from myTV-->myrecordings:

Staring the same file from video modul:

I'm starting all my recordings from video modul but now not even movie title is shown.