MP RC2 - GUI locks when using DVB-T radio station (1 Viewer)


Community Plugin Dev
August 26, 2004
West Yorks, UK
Home Country
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Area: Media Portal Program
MediaPortal Version: RC2 (2005-12-16)
MediaPortal Skin: BlueTwo
Windows Version: Windows XP (SP2)
.NET CLR Version: 2.0.50727
DirectX Version: (9.0c)
Audio Codec: Intervideo Audio Decoder
Video Codec: Intervideo Video Decoder
CPU Type: AMD Athlon XP 2800+
Memory: 511 MB
TV Card Model: Hauppauge Nova-T
TV Card Type: DVB
TV Card Driver: 2.106.23151.0
Video Card Model: Sapphire Radeon 9600 Atlantis (128 MB)
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1280x768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Audio Card Model: NVIDIA(R) nForce(TM) Audio
Audio Card Driver: 6.14.366.0

GUI locks up when listening to DVB-T radio, this happens on Intervideo, CyberLink and both bundled codecs. Radio streams are OK.

20/12/2005 08:18:11 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio init
20/12/2005 08:18:11 open radiodatabase
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: station
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblversion
20/12/2005 08:18:11 AddTable: tblChannelCard
20/12/2005 08:18:11 Radio database opened
20/12/2005 08:18:11 Loaded font:font14 height:24 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC Radio 1.png total:1 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC Radio 2.png total:2 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC Radio 3.png total:3 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC Radio 4.png total:4 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC R5 Live.png total:5 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC 6 Music.png total:6 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:11 texturemanager:added:Thumbs\Radio\BBC 7.png total:7 mem left:153092096
20/12/2005 08:18:13 PlaylistPlayer.Play(
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Recorder:confused:tartRadio():BBC Radio 1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Recorder:confused:tartRadio() start on card:1 station:BBC Radio 1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
20/12/2005 08:18:13 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
20/12/2005 08:18:13 FindInstance:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05\4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 serviceName:HCW88TSE
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HCW88TSE\Enum
20/12/2005 08:18:13 Number of cards:1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 card#0=PCI#VEN_14F1&DEV_8802&SUBSYS_90020070&REV_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 using card:#0
20/12/2005 08:18:13 FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&1ef8e756&1&0
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\stream\hcw88bda.m90xx\5&1ef8e756&1&0
20/12/2005 08:18:13 serviceName:HCW88BDA
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HCW88BDA\Enum
20/12/2005 08:18:13 filters available:1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 filter#:0=Stream#HCW88BDA.M90xx#5&1ef8e756&1&0
20/12/2005 08:18:13 using filter #:0=Stream#HCW88BDA.M90xx#5&1ef8e756&1&0
20/12/2005 08:18:13 FindUniqueFilter:card#0 filter:mad:device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\pci\ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05\4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 serviceName:HCW88TSE
20/12/2005 08:18:13 key:confused:YSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\HCW88TSE\Enum
20/12/2005 08:18:13 filters available:1
20/12/2005 08:18:13 filter#:0=PCI#VEN_14F1&DEV_8802&SUBSYS_90020070&REV_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 using filter #:0=PCI#VEN_14F1&DEV_8802&SUBSYS_90020070&REV_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240
20/12/2005 08:18:13 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-T Tuner/Demod> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\stream#hcw88bda.m90xx#5&1ef8e756&1&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{91b0cc87-9905-4d65-a0d1-5861c6f22cbf}>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_14f1&dev_8802&subsys_90020070&rev_05#4&3b1d9ab8&0&3240#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{5ea9c066-1dfe-41c5-a2de-00a0c9f21fc7}>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft DVBT Network Provider> with moniker <@device:sw:{71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}\Microsoft DVBT Network Provider>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft DVBT Network Provider>:0 with <Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-T Tuner/Demod>:0
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Hauppauge WinTV 88x DVB-T Tuner/Demod>:0 with <Hauppauge WinTV 88x TS Capture>:0
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBda:got 2 tuner statistics
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA:confused:tartRadio()
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() tune to radio station:BBC Radio 1
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:650000 KHz ONID:9018 TSID:12290 SID:14336 provider:BBC
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA:confused:ubmitTuneRequest() frequency:650000 KHz Bandwidth:8 ONID:9018 TSID:12290, SID:14336
20/12/2005 08:18:14 Opening music database
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[artist]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[album]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[genre]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[path]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[albuminfo]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[artistinfo]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 AddTable:[song]
20/12/2005 08:18:14 music database opened
20/12/2005 08:18:14 Loading tag reader plugins
20/12/2005 08:18:14 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.MultiTagReader.MultiTagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 08:18:14 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.MP4.MP4TagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 08:18:14 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.ID3.MP3TagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 08:18:14 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.WmaTagReader.WmaTagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() done
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBDemuxer:BBC Radio 1 audio:1842 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:106 subtitle:0 program:14336
20/12/2005 08:18:14 DVBGraphBDA:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:FFFFFFFF audio pid:1842 AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:1842 audio2 pid:FFFFFFFF audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:1842
20/12/2005 08:18:15 DVBDemuxer:BBC Radio 1 audio:1842 video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:106 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:14336
20/12/2005 08:18:15 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 08:18:15 add filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 08:18:15 added filter:InterVideo Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 08:18:16 DVBGraphBDA:Listening to radio..
20/12/2005 08:18:16 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
20/12/2005 08:18:17 DVBGRAPHBDA:Got PMT version:0
20/12/2005 08:18:17 DVBGraphBDA: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_BBC Radio 1_9018_12290_14336_5.dat
20/12/2005 08:18:17 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 08:18:24 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:24 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:25 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:26 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:26 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:27 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:28 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:28 action:ACTION_VOLUME_DOWN
20/12/2005 08:18:31 action:ACTION_VOLUME_UP
20/12/2005 08:28:14 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio deinit
20/12/2005 08:28:14 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
20/12/2005 08:28:14 Total Memory allocated:5.22 MB
20/12/2005 08:28:14 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
20/12/2005 08:28:14 goto windowed:True
20/12/2005 08:28:14 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init


Portal Pro
April 22, 2004
Area: Media Portal Radio
MP Version: 0.2 RC2
Skin: MCE & MCE widescreen
Windows Version: XP SP2
CPU Type: Athlon XP 2500+
Memory: 768
Motherboard Chipset: Nforce 2
Video Card: Nvidia 5500
Video Card Driver: 81.95
Video Card Resolution: 1360*768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Nvidia
Audio Codec Type & Version: Nvidia

Confirmed with DVB-C radio stream (Technotrend DVB-C 1.0 Budget C1000, BDA drivers 12.12.2005). The DVB stream is loaded correctly but the screen freezes in the radio module. I can navigate in Mediaportal with the VFD for a little time before a complete lockup of mediportal.

Also from time to time there's some glitches in the stream.

20/12/2005 11:40:08 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio init
20/12/2005 11:40:08 open radiodatabase
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: station
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblDVBSMapping
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblDVBCMapping
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblATSCMapping
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblDVBTMapping
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblversion
20/12/2005 11:40:08 AddTable: tblChannelCard
20/12/2005 11:40:08 Radio database opened
20/12/2005 11:40:08 Loaded font:font18 height:28 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
20/12/2005 11:40:08 Loaded font:font14 height:22 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
20/12/2005 11:40:09 Loaded font:font12 height:20 texture:1024x1024 chars:[32-513] miplevels:1
20/12/2005 11:40:22 key:13 0xD (2)
20/12/2005 11:40:22 PlaylistPlayer.Play(
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
20/12/2005 11:40:22 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph(). ac3=false
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:ReleaseComObject(m_StreamBufferSink):-1
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Recorder:confused:tartRadio():COULEUR 3
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Recorder:confused:tartRadio() start on card:1 station:COULEUR 3
20/12/2005 11:40:22 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\avstream#ptdvb_c#5&124a85bd&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7146&subsys_100413c2&rev_01#4&3b1d9ab8&0&4040#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider> with moniker <@device:sw:{71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}\Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture>:0
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBda:got 2 tuner statistics
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:confused:tartRadio()
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() tune to radio station:COULEUR 3
20/12/2005 11:40:22 DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:267175 KHz symbolrate:6875 innerFec:-1 modulation:3 ONID:1 TSID:1090 SID:8553 provider:Canal Satellite
20/12/2005 11:40:22 Opening music database
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[artist]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[album]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[genre]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[path]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[albuminfo]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[artistinfo]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 AddTable:[song]
20/12/2005 11:40:22 music database opened
20/12/2005 11:40:23 Loading tag reader plugins
20/12/2005 11:40:23 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.MultiTagReader.MultiTagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 11:40:23 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.MP4.MP4TagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 11:40:23 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.ID3.MP3TagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 11:40:23 found plugin:MediaPortal.TagReader.WmaTagReader.WmaTagReader in plugins\tagreaders\TagReaderPlugins.dll
20/12/2005 11:40:25 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() done
20/12/2005 11:40:25 DVBDemuxer:COULEUR 3 audio:79C video:0 teletext:0 pmt:512 subtitle:0 program:8553
20/12/2005 11:40:25 DVBGraphBDA:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:FFFFFFFF audio pid:79C AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:79C audio2 pid:FFFFFFFF audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:A9
20/12/2005 11:40:25 DVBDemuxer:COULEUR 3 audio:79C video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:512 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:8553
20/12/2005 11:40:25 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 11:40:25 add filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:40:26 added filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:40:27 DVBGraphBDA:Listening to radio..
20/12/2005 11:40:28 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
20/12/2005 11:40:29 DVBGRAPHBDA:Got PMT version:1
20/12/2005 11:51:02 key:98 0x62 (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:02 App.Onaction() stop media
20/12/2005 11:51:03 playingFalse radio:False
20/12/2005 11:51:03 Recorder:confused:topRadio() stop radio on card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:03 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:03 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:03 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph(). ac3=false
20/12/2005 11:51:03 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
20/12/2005 11:51:03 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
20/12/2005 11:51:03 DVBGraphBDA:ReleaseComObject(m_StreamBufferSink):-1
20/12/2005 11:51:06 key:27 0x1B (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:06 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio deinit
20/12/2005 11:51:06 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
20/12/2005 11:51:06 Total Memory allocated:5,40 MB
20/12/2005 11:51:06 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
20/12/2005 11:51:06 goto windowed:True
20/12/2005 11:51:06 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
20/12/2005 11:51:07 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\avstream#ptdvb_c#5&124a85bd&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7146&subsys_100413c2&rev_01#4&3b1d9ab8&0&4040#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider> with moniker <@device:sw:{71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}\Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBda:got 2 tuner statistics
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA:Grab epg for :Direct 8
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() tune to channel:2
20/12/2005 11:51:07 DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:283175 KHz symbolrate:6875 innerFec:-1 modulation:3 ONID:64810 TSID:550 SID:7508 provider:TNT
20/12/2005 11:51:10 DVBGraphBDA:TuneChannel() done freq:283175 ONID:64810 TSID:550 prog:7508 audio:50 video:A0 pmt:500 ac3:FFFFFFFF txt:FFFFFFFF
20/12/2005 11:51:10 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 11:51:10 DVBGraphBDA:set mpeg2demuxer video:0xa0 audio:0x50 ac3:0xFFFFFFFF
20/12/2005 11:51:10 DVBDemuxer:Direct 8 audio:50 video:A0 teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:500 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:7508
20/12/2005 11:51:10 DVBGraphBDA: start graph
20/12/2005 11:51:11 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
20/12/2005 11:51:12 DVBGRAPHBDA:Got PMT version:1
20/12/2005 11:51:12 DVBGraphBDA: grab epg
20/12/2005 11:51:13 epg-grab: MHW ready...
20/12/2005 11:51:13 epg-grab: no MHW events, try DVB EPG
20/12/2005 11:51:19 key:13 0xD (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:19 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow deinit
20/12/2005 11:51:19 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
20/12/2005 11:51:19 Total Memory allocated:5,41 MB
20/12/2005 11:51:19 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
20/12/2005 11:51:19 goto windowed:True
20/12/2005 11:51:19 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio init
20/12/2005 11:51:25 key:13 0xD (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:25 PlaylistPlayer.Play(
20/12/2005 11:51:25 Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
20/12/2005 11:51:25 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
20/12/2005 11:51:25 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
20/12/2005 11:51:25 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph(). ac3=false
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:ReleaseComObject(m_StreamBufferSink):-1
20/12/2005 11:51:25 Recorder:confused:tartRadio():France Inter
20/12/2005 11:51:25 Recorder:confused:tartRadio() start on card:1 station:France Inter
20/12/2005 11:51:25 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\avstream#ptdvb_c#5&124a85bd&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7146&subsys_100413c2&rev_01#4&3b1d9ab8&0&4040#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider> with moniker <@device:sw:{71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}\Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBda:got 2 tuner statistics
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:confused:tartRadio()
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() tune to radio station:France Inter
20/12/2005 11:51:25 DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:267175 KHz symbolrate:6875 innerFec:-1 modulation:3 ONID:1 TSID:1090 SID:8522 provider:Canal Satellite
20/12/2005 11:51:29 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() done
20/12/2005 11:51:29 DVBDemuxer:France Inter audio:771 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:512 subtitle:0 program:8522
20/12/2005 11:51:29 add filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:51:29 added filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:51:29 DVBGraphBDA:Listening to radio..
20/12/2005 11:51:30 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
20/12/2005 11:51:31 DVBGRAPHBDA:Got PMT version:2
20/12/2005 11:51:31 DVBGraphBDA: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_France Inter_1_1090_8522_3.dat
20/12/2005 11:51:31 DVBGraphBDA:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:FFFFFFFF audio pid:771 AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:771 audio2 pid:FFFFFFFF audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:770
20/12/2005 11:51:31 DVBDemuxer:France Inter audio:771 video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:512 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:8522
20/12/2005 11:51:31 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 11:51:32 key:13 0xD (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:32 PlaylistPlayer.Play(
20/12/2005 11:51:33 Recorder:confused:topAllViewing()
20/12/2005 11:51:33 Recorder: Card:1 viewing:False recording:False timeshifting:False channel:
20/12/2005 11:51:33 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph(). ac3=false
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:ReleaseComObject(m_StreamBufferSink):-1
20/12/2005 11:51:33 Playlistplayer.Stopfile
20/12/2005 11:51:33 Recorder:confused:tartRadio():France Bleu
20/12/2005 11:51:33 Recorder:confused:tartRadio() start on card:1 station:France Bleu
20/12/2005 11:51:33 TVCapture.CreateGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:CreateGraph().
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\avstream#ptdvb_c#5&124a85bd&0&0#{71985f48-1ca1-11d3-9cc8-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture> with moniker <@device:pnp:\\?\pci#ven_1131&dev_7146&subsys_100413c2&rev_01#4&3b1d9ab8&0&4040#{fd0a5af4-b41d-11d2-9c95-00c04f7971e0}\{9b365890-165f-11d0-a195-0020afd156e4}>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Added filter <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider> with moniker <@device:sw:{71985F4B-1CA1-11D3-9CC8-00C04F7971E0}\Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured filters...DONE
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Adding configured pin connections...
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <Microsoft DVBC Network Provider>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Connecting <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB-C Tuner>:0 with <TechnoTrend BDA/DVB Capture>:0
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Found sourcePin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Found sinkPin: <0> <System.__ComObject>
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: Pins connected...
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBda:got 2 tuner statistics
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:confused:tartRadio()
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() tune to radio station:France Bleu
20/12/2005 11:51:33 DVBGraphBDA: tuning details: frequency:267175 KHz symbolrate:6875 innerFec:-1 modulation:3 ONID:1 TSID:1090 SID:8523 provider:Canal Satellite
20/12/2005 11:51:37 DVBGraphBDA:TuneRadioChannel() done
20/12/2005 11:51:37 DVBDemuxer:France Bleu audio:773 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:512 subtitle:0 program:8523
20/12/2005 11:51:37 add filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:51:37 added filter:NVIDIA Audio Decoder to graph
20/12/2005 11:51:37 DVBGraphBDA:Listening to radio..
20/12/2005 11:51:38 DVBDemuxer:receiving DVB packets
20/12/2005 11:51:39 DVBGRAPHBDA:Got PMT version:2
20/12/2005 11:51:39 DVBGraphBDA: OnPMTIsChanged:database\pmt\pmt_France Bleu_1_1090_8523_3.dat
20/12/2005 11:51:39 DVBGraphBDA:confused:endPMT() set demux: video pid:FFFFFFFF audio pid:773 AC3 pid:FFFFFFFF audio1 pid:773 audio2 pid:FFFFFFFF audio3 pid:FFFFFFFF subtitle pid:FFFFFFFF teletext pid:FFFFFFFF pcr pid:770
20/12/2005 11:51:39 DVBDemuxer:France Bleu audio:773 video:FFFFFFFF teletext:FFFFFFFF pmt:512 subtitle:FFFFFFFF program:8523
20/12/2005 11:51:39 Twinhan: check for twinhan driver
20/12/2005 11:51:42 key:98 0x62 (2)
20/12/2005 11:51:42 App.Onaction() stop media
20/12/2005 11:51:43 playingFalse radio:False
20/12/2005 11:51:43 Recorder:confused:topRadio() stop radio on card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:43 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:43 TVCapture.DeleteGraph() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:51:43 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph(). ac3=false
20/12/2005 11:51:43 DVBGraphBDA:DeleteGraph()
20/12/2005 11:51:43 DVBDemuxer: audio:0 video:0 teletext:0 pmt:0 subtitle:0 program:-1
20/12/2005 11:51:43 DVBGraphBDA:ReleaseComObject(m_StreamBufferSink):-1
20/12/2005 11:52:01 key:27 0x1B (2)
20/12/2005 11:52:01 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Radio.GUIRadio deinit
20/12/2005 11:52:01 texturemanager:CleanupThumbs()
20/12/2005 11:52:01 Total Memory allocated:5,40 MB
20/12/2005 11:52:01 Recorder:disable dx9 exclusive mode
20/12/2005 11:52:01 goto windowed:True
20/12/2005 11:52:01 window:MediaPortal.GUI.Home.HomeWindow init
20/12/2005 11:52:10 Mediaportal.OnExit()
20/12/2005 11:52:10 TVCapture.Stop() Card:1
20/12/2005 11:52:10 PlugInManager.Stop()
20/12/2005 11:52:10 MediaPortal done
20/12/2005 11:52:10 dbs:close:musicdatabase4.db3
20/12/2005 11:52:10 dbs:close:TVDatabaseV21.db3
20/12/2005 11:52:10 dbs:close:programDatabaseV3.db3
20/12/2005 11:52:10 dbs:close:RadioDatabase4.db3


MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Bug appears also on analogue radio cards / PVR models

    Hi ,
    GUI lockup also happens with analogue radio on a PVR350.

    You can select the station, playing is started, but then the GUI locks up. But you can still hear the mouse click sounds. So something is happening.

    Worked fine in 0.1.3 release.



    Portal Member
    November 13, 2004
    Aquarius: I get the same problem with my analog Sapphire tuner. Streams aswell, seem to lock up the GUI.

    Besides from that, 0.2rc2 is getting more and more stable.
    Keep up the good work!


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 23, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Yes, and I have the same problem too - and I have reported it at MediaPortal Test Group...back on the 30th December.

    It hasn't been logged as a bug in Mantis yet, so I am not sure that it will be fixed anytime soon.... :(


    MP Donator
  • Premium Supporter
  • November 23, 2004
    Home Country
    Germany Germany
    Problem fixed with CVS 2006-02-05

    Thanks guys,

    problem is gone.


    Retired Team Member
  • Premium Supporter
  • February 23, 2005
    Home Country
    Australia Australia
    Re: Problem fixed with CVS 2006-02-05

    Aquarius said:
    problem is gone.
    Not for me.... :(

    Just tried latest CVS (02-07-2006--01-05) and the problem with the My Radio GUI locking is still there.....weird thing is, if I play a radio station and then do two ALT+ENTER, it works fine again until MediaPortal is exited and re-launched.

    Looks like I am going to have to do a fresh install from the beginning to get rid of this one.... :?

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