I'm really impressed with how quickly the MP team has put a quality product on the table, and admire their dedication to the project. This dedication has led to an impressive product. However, I think at least the following is necessary for MP to start to become a leader in its segment.
1.) Commercial Detection - Just view what everyone else here has said. This would be very beneficial.
2.) PIP - Picture-in-Picture... Some people claim its not necessary with the idea of PVRs, but I still find it useful even with PVR functionality
3.) Client/Server Model - I have seen this listed several times but under different topics such as MediaMVP, BAckend/Frontend, uPnP, etc... This would be classic and allow for full scalability of a media protal system. For example, I only need one "media server" in the basement, and I can serve content to MP fornt ends in the den, office, living room, and bedroom all at one. This request, I realize, is a monster both logically and code-wise
Small other smaller enhancements include
1.) Previous/Last channel - I'm on station 10 and switch to station 31... It would be nice to have a one button command to return to channel 10
2.) This one would be cool to have (saw support for it on MythTV)... FIREWIRE support - This could potentially allow users to control their STB without the need of an IR Balser. Plus, the STB already encodes the stream allowing users to be able to use it as a tuner with "hardware" encoding.
3.) Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
Unfortunately I am not too fluent in .Net stuff (more of a Java person myself) so it may be too much of a task for me to figure out how to implement this stuff on my own
1.) Commercial Detection - Just view what everyone else here has said. This would be very beneficial.
2.) PIP - Picture-in-Picture... Some people claim its not necessary with the idea of PVRs, but I still find it useful even with PVR functionality
3.) Client/Server Model - I have seen this listed several times but under different topics such as MediaMVP, BAckend/Frontend, uPnP, etc... This would be classic and allow for full scalability of a media protal system. For example, I only need one "media server" in the basement, and I can serve content to MP fornt ends in the den, office, living room, and bedroom all at one. This request, I realize, is a monster both logically and code-wise
Small other smaller enhancements include
1.) Previous/Last channel - I'm on station 10 and switch to station 31... It would be nice to have a one button command to return to channel 10
2.) This one would be cool to have (saw support for it on MythTV)... FIREWIRE support - This could potentially allow users to control their STB without the need of an IR Balser. Plus, the STB already encodes the stream allowing users to be able to use it as a tuner with "hardware" encoding.
3.) Configurable keyboard shortcuts.
Unfortunately I am not too fluent in .Net stuff (more of a Java person myself) so it may be too much of a task for me to figure out how to implement this stuff on my own