Area:Video decoder
MP Version: MP RC 2
Skin: metal
Windows Version: xp home sp 2
CPU Type:Celeron 2.66 GHZ
Memory: 768 mb
Motherboard Chipset: Asus Tek P4s800 MX
Video Card:Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 400
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Cyberlink Video/SP decoder 6.00.1402 CLVSD.AX
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: n/a
TV Card Type: n/a
TV Card Driver:n/a
Synopsis: My MP use to play dvr-ms files fine and dandy. Suddenly it will not play those files anymore. It still plays dvd's and avi files. I did not change any settings. When I try to play a dvr-ms file I get the following error message:
Error signature:
Appname: Mediaportla.exe Appver: Modname:
Modv: 6.00.1402 OFFset: 000d410
What is the matter?
MP Version: MP RC 2
Skin: metal
Windows Version: xp home sp 2
CPU Type:Celeron 2.66 GHZ
Memory: 768 mb
Motherboard Chipset: Asus Tek P4s800 MX
Video Card:Nvidia Geforce 4 MX 400
Video Card Driver:
Video Card Resolution: 1024 x 768
Video Render Type: VMR9
Video Codec Type & Version: Cyberlink Video/SP decoder 6.00.1402 CLVSD.AX
Audio Codec Type & Version: audio codec you used for testing
TV Card: n/a
TV Card Type: n/a
TV Card Driver:n/a
Synopsis: My MP use to play dvr-ms files fine and dandy. Suddenly it will not play those files anymore. It still plays dvd's and avi files. I did not change any settings. When I try to play a dvr-ms file I get the following error message:
Error signature:
Appname: Mediaportla.exe Appver: Modname:
Modv: 6.00.1402 OFFset: 000d410
What is the matter?