MP-TVSeries v2.1.3331 (Stable) Build available [13-FEB-09] (1 Viewer)

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  • June 10, 2007
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    TVSeries v2.1 Maintenance History:
    v2.1.3331 - v2.1.3321
    * Updated German Translations
    * Fix Left/Right Focus in Blue3wide skin
    * Added Hidden Side Menu to Blue3wide, includes the ability to change views
    * Added scrollbars to Layout/About configuration tabs
    * Layout / Graphics Quality are now disabled in Configuration UI if they are defined in SkinSettings.xml
    * Fixed Season Banners appearing in Series Views on some skins e.g. (StreamedMP Filmstrip)

    v2.1.3321 - v2.1.3320
    * Includes fix for Online Language dropdown not working in configuration

    TVSeries Change v2.1:

    * Fixed DVD ordering (on most standard naming formats), possible 1/2 fix for absolute ordering
    * Fixed Seasons with episode 0 failing to load information for any other episode
    * Fixed crash when loading torrent presets in configuration when db doesn't have any entries
    * Fixed NewzBin searching not working (now uses series pretty name)
    * Fixed watched flag not being set on 2nd episode when finished watched double episodes
    * Fixed a crash on first time load of the plug-in if the MP-TVSeries translation folder didn't exist
    * Fixed a bug in season banners where the incorrect banner was sometimes set as Default
    * Fixed confusing log message reporting 'none of these episodes could be identified'
    * Fixed crash when leaving Fanart Chooser Window whilst downloading in background
    * Fixed Manual Import not retrieving online data for imported episodes
    * Fixed Season banners not showing when Random banners enabled
    * Fixed not returning to the main series list after finishing last episode in Unwatched view
    * Fixed Fanart disappearing when exiting Fanart Chooser window and after playback
    * Fixed Fanart stopped working when removed from Fanart Chooser
    * Fixed Control visibility seen after upgrading to MediaPortal v1.0
    * Fixed Fanart disappearing in many scenarios

    * Greatly improved perceived performance of loading the main Facade view with many series
    * Added Fanart Chooser so fanart can be selected and downloaded online (Needs a new skin file TVSeries.Fanart.xml)
    * Added Download Series Posters and Series Banners (New Skin ID: 1242 for poster views)
    * Banners are now set to the Highest Rated by Default now (localized banners only)
    * Added Virtual Keyboard support to aid in searching for online matches of series within MP GUI
    * Added Option to automatically set Episode Order to 'Aired' during import
    * Added a new subtitle provider (seriessubs - mostly for french / english subs)
    * Added New database View 'Recently Added'. Displays the last 7 days of episodes added to your library
    * Added Connection retries when network is unavailable e.g. when resuming from standby
    * Added new Filmstrip Layout for Series and Season views (support depends on skin used)
    * Added New Episode Count Fields <Series.EpisodesCount>, <Series.EpisodesUnWatched>, <Season.EpisodesCount> & <Season.EpisodesUnWatched>
    * Added Fanart on Series Listing, option can be turned on/off from Options menu
    * Added Watched / UnWatched Image Flags to the List Facade. These will automatically be added if the following images exist in the skins Media Folder:
    - tvseries_UnWatched.png (this is a image of a Unwatched image, used in episode view)
    - tvseries_Watched.png (this is a image of a Watched image, used in episode view)
    - tvseries_UnWatchedNA.png (this is a image of a Unwatched image for an episode that is not available)
    - tvseries_WatchedNA.png (this is a image of a Watched image for an episode that is not available)
    - tvseries_SeriesListIcon.png (this image will be be added to series list layouts)
    - tvseries_SeasonListIcon.png (this image will be be added to season list layouts)
    * Added some string formatting functions for numbers (PrettyNumber10(), PrettyNumber100(), PrettyNumber10S() and PrettyNumber100S()) These functions pad a string/number with zeros or spaces
    * Changed Graphical Group Views to use SmallIcons instead of BigIcons (makes more sense given the size/dimension of a logo)
    * Configuration Dialog has had a Face Lift, hopefully improves usability (This is just the start)
    * Added Delay loading of Season and Series banners in facade
    * Added Random Fanart in Episode and Season Views (if random enabled)
    * Added Fanart Fading when scrolling through the Series/Season/Episode Lists. It also fades when entering Season/Episode views.

    Skin Designers can now include a new XML with their packages (TVSeries.SkinSettings.xml), see:

    Please read the accompanying Readme and Skinning documentation as part of the release for more information.

    A BIG THANKS to fforde who put all the hard work into the Fanart Fading and letting us use it in TVSeries. :D
    This is also used in Moving Pictures v0.7+

    Fanart fading is best scene when 'Random Fanart' is enabled (you need to have multiple fanart downloaded for each series)

    WARNING: Users of MediaPortal SVNs might find certain functionality not working in the plugin e.g. Importing and Dialogs not working. You should use v2.2 Test release which is compiled against MP SVN.


    Download includes:
    * MediaInfo.dll (, WARNING: newer versions exhibit issues)
    * Languages
    * Blue3wide Skin
    * Blue3 Skin

    Note: For the Blue3 Skin to be viewed correctly in TVSeries, ensure you have Animations and Transitions enabled in MediaPortal Configuration.

    See full revision history: Changes - mptvseries - Google Code

    Any Issues found or enhancements that you wish to report can be raised: Issues - mptvseries - Google Code

    If you are unsure if the problem is plugin related, post into this forum first.


    Portal Pro
    March 4, 2008
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    Netherlands Netherlands
    Downloading, I will try it and if I run in to trouble or notice things, you will hear it. :)

    Thanks for all the hard work!!!


    don't know if it is only my problem.. But for me hitting any of the buttons in Logos doesn't work.
    Under formatting it works ok.

    btw, very nice GUI upgrade :)


    Community Plugin Dev
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    Downloading, I will try it and if I run in to trouble or notice things, you will hear it. :)

    Thanks for all the hard work!!!


    don't know if it is only my problem.. But for me hitting any of the buttons in Logos doesn't work.
    Under formatting it works ok.

    btw, very nice GUI upgrade :)

    Thats a bug, thanks for reporting ( Will fix before can use the SkinSettings.xml as a work around in the meantime if your skin includes it.

    mr viggo

    MP Donator
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  • March 1, 2008
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    Perhaps this isn't supposed to work yet but I'm using a little mod on the xml (mediastream) by emphatic to show series fanart instead of a default background when no episode preview image is available. Quite often the wrong fanart is displayed. i.e lost fanart in episode view for heroes.

    Other than that I've no issues with fanart


    Retired Team Member
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  • January 30, 2008
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    Hi ltfearme!

    Thanks for your work! I love this Plugin! Bit is it possible to add the Download-links for Blue3 to, or doesn't the new version support Blue3?

    Best regards


    Portal Pro
    August 30, 2005
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    Belgium Belgium
    I must say I'm impressed with the performance increase when opening the main facade view!
    It used to be sluggish, but now it works perfectly :)
    If (already imported) episodes could be updated and user ratings could be imported from thetvdb, this plugin would have all I need.
    Thanks for the great work.


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  • July 19, 2005
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    ltfearme, dunno if you know it but MP comes with MediaInfo.dll (in root folder) from svn version 21197 (25. December).
    I also had to add since it complained about that missing when opened MP Configuration -> Plugins(could be due to me compiling from source based on folders etc in the downed version above ;)
    Else good work!!



    Community Plugin Dev
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  • June 10, 2007
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    Hi Ronilse, if your compiling your own build from SVN then you need to run Merge.bat (see r410 - mptvseries - Google Code for more details), basically it combines the Cornerstone.MP.dll and TVseries.dll into one binary which I do for external releases like the one above.
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