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...Also think it is a good idea :idea: , MP has nearly all needed to support multi zones:

1. Multiple Audio card support(One multiple channel audio cards [5.1 or more] on which we may implement 2*2 zones, and an other for the home cinema zone => minimum 3 zones).

2. WinAmp, which can be launched multiple times, on different outputs to define zones.

3. Girder to get Home Automation signals like wallswitches (X10 or Ocelot/Leopard)

... But the front-end should be addapted maybe to offer those functionnalities ... and more, like being able to watch TV or a film and send the audio also to another zone?

Or, listenning to a CD in the main zone and ... switch it to the bedroom?

And on the storage/play side, we should have the choice when putting in a CD or DVD to play it or RIP it, no???  :roll:

My 2 EuroCents,


PS: the correct URL is:

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